
Flynn Jr is his son. But supposedly Gen. Flynn Sr is a paranoid dickhead, too.

Eh, I think she’s doing it mostly so people on the left don’t treat her like they treated Nader after 2000. I still gave her $5, though.

Russia hacked voter registration systems earlier this year, so I’m not sure why it’s such a huge, crazy stretch to think they might have tried to do the same to the voting machines.

Hopefully that chance will happen in the next 7 weeks or so, while the US is still being run by grownups.

We’ve been doing it since Carter was president. We pretend that we think Taiwan is part of China in order to keep the Chinese happy. The Chinese government must know we don’t really believe that, but I think for them it’s about national pride and saving face. Us publicly backing the One China policy probably

Taiwan is already free. The result of antagonizing China over that fact isn’t going to be more freedom, it’s going to be China taking stronger action against Taiwan, possibly all-out military invasion. On the other hand, if we publicly continue to tell China “sure, Taiwan is part of China, wink wink, whatever you

WaPo says Trumps team says they planned the call weeks in advance.

Paul Ryan says he’s been having regular meetings with Trump to “discuss” the Constitution, which I’m 99.9% sure means he’s explaining to Trump what it says and what the President can and cannot do.

It’s a classic fascist governing tactic, to condition the population to accept government secrecy and arbitrary authoritarian decision-making. Eventually it turns into “we need to shut down Twitter and round up all the Muslims because of a national security threat we can’t tell you about”, and people have been so

“The White House and state department probably have a perspective on it. Certainly Taiwan has a perspective on it...The president-elect’s perspective is that he accepted a congratulatory call.”

Flynn was pushed into retirement a couple years ago for being a giant dickhead, and Trump’s not president yet, so right now he’s not a government employee. But if he keeps tweeting crazy stuff after getting confirmed, I dunno, maybe.

How much do you bet that Trump’s thought process was basically “Housing & Urban Development..... urban = inner cities...... inner cities = black people..... I know a black guy!”

Not only was he a general, he was the director of the DIA for a couple years, before he was forced into early retirement for basically being a paranoid dickhead who wouldn’t listen to anyone and was bad at managing people (according to Colin Powell).

He’s still got a lot of job training to do between now and then, though. ;)

Right, FFS, privatizing Social Security and dismantling Medicare have been part of the Republican party platform for decades. I don’t understand why anyone that needs them would vote Republican.

You should be okay in the spring. The current plan from congressional Republicans is to pass a law ASAP that would end the ACA in 2020. Some of them are even talking about keeping the Medicaid expansion beyond that.

You mean like how everybody expects the North Korean government to say crazy dumb crap so nobody is actually surprised or offended when they do that?

I think that’s going to be easier for some countries than others, and climate change sure as hell won’t help, but yeah. Countries that are stable, literate, have a strong middle class, and have opportunities for people to work and improve their lives, they don’t tend to embrace theocracy or start large violent

Not what I was getting at. I’m suggesting that Trump (or rather Pence) threatened to not renew the parent company’s contracts if Carrier moved both plants. That’s not business as usual.

That’s true, but keep in mind that the US military is only 15% women. So women in the military are 5x as likely to be raped as men. Female US soldiers in Afghanistan were more likely to be harmed by a male US soldier than by the enemy.