
Libel requires the statement to cause the person harm and to be made with malicious intent. For example, if a person said that another person was born in Kenya in order to harm their ability to become the President, that might be libel.

That’s very true, and a great point. But I think the poster’s general point is still valid, even if they were off base about that.

He should be, just like how Chelsea Clinton should have been off-limits, and Sasha and Malia Obama.

I’m sure it’s only going to get worse once they can use the FBI, IRS, CIA etc to make those threats.

Couldn’t they start a new Trump subreddit with stricter moderation, or purge the whole thing and start over? I’ve seen that kind of thing done before with some success.

What’s so crazy about debating with a communist? Communists aren’t moustache twirling supervillians or mythical unicorns.

Fuck that guy. I’m not going to give in and let guys like that take over my country.

Also, having been an evangelical Christian... I remember a lot more “that’s a sin and should be punished” and “eww buttsecks” kind of talk, compared with the kind of things you’re suggesting.

Which problems are you talking about? Poverty? Teen pregnancy? Alcoholism? Crime? Bigotry? Droughts? War?

I think Trump doesn’t care much about gay people one way or the other. Though you could probably replace “gay people” in that sentence with “everyone not named Trump” and have it be equally true.

“No Dissenters”. That sums up the whole fascist “alt-right” thing right there, huh?

But he may have invited his gentleman friend to visit him in the White House. ;)

Also, Melania also is not planning on living in the White House, so if he’s fucking anyone there it won’t be her.

Dealing with climate change will be very difficult and very expensive, and you’re right that emissions reduction alone won’t be enough. But “it’s hard” doesn’t mean we should shrug our shoulders and give up.

They’re also there so that school employees can call the police at the first sight of a gun and can legally have the carrier removed from the premises, instead of having to wait until the shooting starts.

Right. I mean, they’re already recasting Mon Mothma. I’m sure some good voice coaching and makeup, and maybe a little CGI, and they can make another actor seem enough like him to get by with, especially if it’s just a minor supporting role.

Having worked for CVS, “counseling and retraining” means the store manager gave them a lecture. There’s not really any training for being a cashier there, let alone retraining.

Considering how great a job they did taking out Castro, I wouldn’t hold my breath. Maybe they’ll send him an exploding taco bowl... 🙄

There aren’t really billboards in DC. But someone probably could stand in front of the White House with a big sign that his motorcade has to drive by every time he leaves the White House. Years ago there was a guy that would do that outside the Vatican Embassy with a sign about the Catholic Church covering up child

I guess it depends on how much of the government accepts the results. If it’s just him denying it, I guess the Secret Service escorts him out of the White House and they change all the passwords and stuff.