
Supporting their spouse, schmoozing, doing PR, and planning White House events (though really, these days they probably hire people for the last one).

Heck, in the 19th century, anybody (well, probably any white man) could just knock on the White House door during visiting hours and go in and talk to the President.

I think you have to have a background check done to even enter the White House.

To be fair, Biden does the same thing. But the VP isn’t as big a target the President/family, and the Biden family home isn’t a condo in a skyscraper in Manhattan.

Plus, it can’t be nearly as annoying as having to change into workout clothes and go on runs around DC with Bill Clinton.

I guess sending him to the Russian embassy school in DC would give it away, huh?

Or Jimmy Carter, who, IIRC, also did that.

Do you think Trump really wants to go fishing and hunting and stuff like that?

Also, even in the event that the White House stops being the safest place, the government has a secret bunker within helicopter distance of DC for officials to flee to, to make sure that even if DC gets nuked the US government won’t collapse.

I suspect that some of the liberal states won’t just roll over on the ACA, even if it means offering their own public option or something. *crosses fingers *

A beautiful, beautiful treasure.

That’s frustrating. Is your area fairly conservative generally? If not, I worry that the party may be learning the wrong lesson from the election.

I remember reading that Benedict’s, uh, administration (I’m not sure that’s the right term) cracked down on some orders of nuns, partly because they didn’t see a conflict or give a fuck either.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I had bad cramping for at least 24 hours after getting my IUD. But it’s awesome you’re doing that, you just might need a couple days to recover after the iud.

I watched it a couple years ago (after giving up on it a couple episodes in when it aired), and it’s definitely.... patchy. Some of the juvenile crap goes away soon, though Archer is a very flawed captain throughout and female characters continue to be overly sexualized.

I worried about yasmin->mirena, too, but it was fine. I guess the question is - how is your mental health when you’re not using birth control? For me, the hormones in the (regular) pill were the problem, but the hormones in the Mirena stay in your uterus so they don’t cause the same problems.

Definitely. I’d say the real failing on the part of the DNC is not realizing how effective that smear campaign had been for so many people, and thus not running a focused campaign to counteract it. Their campaign strategy seemed to be basically, “she’s very qualified and has some good policies and also she’s not

Bannon says 50. Yes, yesterday, he said in an interview that Trump & the alt right should break with the GOP and start their own party, and that they’ll run the US for 50 years.

The IRS refused to confirm that they even are auditing him (because of privacy laws), but did make a statement that said that if they are auditing him, it would not in any way prevent him from releasing his returns.

Yeah she’s from Eastern Europe somewhere. I want to say Romania.