
Didn’t that big fight in NextWave take place in North Dakota? And Machine Man was in that. That’s definitely a stretch, though.

I dunno, I’m not convinced that they really think states should be able to keep abortion legal if Roe v Wade is overturned.

I’ve said this a few times in the comments here, but I heard him say, on the radio a couple weeks ago, that the reason there’s so much racism and sexism today is because women and minorities complain too much. 😡😠

Those things are just dogwhistles for “states should have the right to reinstitute segregation” and “the government should allow businesses to discriminate against minorities”.

LOL. You know that the DMV’s Latino population is mostly not Mexican, right? Are you planning on building a wall on the other side of Mexico, too?

Yeah, I’m pretty sure *some* people did think he would change things, or at least were so frustrated about the status quo that they went “fuck it” and were willing to play Russian Roulette with the future of the US. Some were so worried about liberal judges doing.... something... that they voted for him for that

And values.

Yeah, my family’s values are very different and much kinder than the hateful and repressive “values” that are considered “family values” on the right.

He will gut civil rights as soon as he has the chance, too. I heard him on the radio recently saying that the reason why there’s so much bigoted rhetoric these days is because women and minorities complain too much.

It’s dog-whistling. White nationalists don’t want any brown or non-Christian people coming to America.

Jesus H Christ. I heard this asshole on the radio (CSPAN, I think?) 2 OR 3 WEEKS AGO saying that the reason there’s so much vocal racism and sexism these days is because minorities and women complain too much. He didn’t stop being racist in the 80s.

IIRC, the Constitution says “high crimes and misdemeanors”. This is a civil case, not a criminal one, so neither apply. But, if he did go to trial he might have to reveal things that, who knows, could lead to impeachment. We don’t know why he refused to release his tax returns, after all.

I totally understand the class-action suit settling, since those are people who were scammed and are looking for their money back. But NY state should IMO refuse to settle and should drag this out and make him reveal his “charity’s” finances and so forth. Let’s get it all out there.

Department of Education?

I heard a radio interview of some folks at a Trump rally that were asked that. It was a split between “Reagan”, 1950, and some jumbled cognitive dissonance stuff about how America has always been great and always will be.

They know what he’s said he’s going to do. Yes, it’s possible he won’t actually do any of that stuff - but then, what will he do? The options on the table are “bad” or “uncertain”, and neither make people feel secure.

There’s being in love with someone, and there’s making a life with them, and those are not the same thing. If your partner has no regard for factual reality and supports fascism and misogyny, and you don’t feel the same way, that’s not going to work out. Best case is that you’ll fight all the time and be miserable.

I know a couple people who are part of the socialist/anarchist wing of the American left (liberalism is the most popular left-wing ideology in the US, but not the only one), and I’ve seen a couple recent FB posts warning about a wave of suspicious white men that are starting to show up to their meetings to agitate for

Oh, that’s not even the worst. We have to be on Glenn Beck’s side. What a mixed-up crazy world this year has turned into, that Megan Kelly and Glenn Beck are our allies somehow.

Yeah, we do need to find a better way to market our “brand” to them. Not to give in to racism or forget about social justice, but to say: hey blue collar lower-middle-class white males, this is what our policies will do for you, this is why working together with POCs and women will help you. (And then hopefully once