
It is pretty disturbing to think. I don’t think most people know that anyone can buy a mailing list of, say, middle & high-income homeowners with school-aged children that live in zip code 12345.

I feel like the Democrats might get some traction with “those jobs Trump promised you are still gone, but we’ll make the guys who profitted off of shutting your factory down pay for you to learn to do a new job. plus we’ll create new infrastructure jobs and green energy jobs”.

Not “most” - I think it was 52%, which is barely over half, and apparently a good 4ish points less than GOP presidential candidates usually get. So it sounds like least *some* women who normally vote Republican were so bothered by Trump that they defected from their party line.

Over the last week, I’m increasingly of the opinion that we need to start getting ready for the worst. If Trump wants to be a fascist dictator, if this is only the beginning, what do we do?

I guess it depends on whether the goal is to make Hillary president, or to keep Trump from being president.

Well, there’s the dilemma: is it better to elect a known party-line Republican who will respect the US constitution and our international relations, or to elect someone that might not be a party-line Republican but also might try to make himself a fascist dictator and/or start a nuclear war?

Should we trust Comey to lead an impartial investigation into this matter?

Right, for sure. I’m sure that most everything Pence would do as President would be something I’d disagree with, but at least I’d feel confident that he’d abide by the Constitution during his presidency, not get us into WWIII, and that we’d have a free and fair election in 2020.

I think the subtle difference is that white European nationalist groups consider white Europeans from other nations to be people of different ethnicities and are prejudiced against them - while in the US, white nationalists generally see all white Christians as part of the same pan-European ethnicity and target their

Since Trump wants to either scale back US involvement in the Pacific or force our allies there to pay us (even more) protection money, I think the Japan-US relationship is not going to be so great.

Really? Good for him. Hopefully he can get some of the GOP on board with him. I know many of us laugh at him for being a gay Republican who pretends he’s in the closet, but if he can get Donald Trump impeached, I swear to god I’ll never make fun of him again.

From what I’ve read, that’s pretty common for fascist parties. They’ll work with establishment conservatives for political expediency at first, but they actually despise them and will eventually split with them.

Pollack must be making an enormous salary. I can’t imagine why on earth else an Orthodox Jew would cover for these guys, who are a stones throw from being neo-nazis.

And not just bleeding to death; also dying of sepsis because they perforated their intestine with a coat hanger or knitting needle.

It infuriates me when I see people (usually Republicans) who absolutely refuse to take any personal responsibility for themselves or their communities, and then whine about how things aren’t great, the government oppresses them, blah blah blah.

I think we have to listen - but that doesn’t mean we have to give in and pander to hatred. Instead, I think we have to provide them with a better answer to their fears than the Republicans. One that says “immigrants are not your enemies, civil rights are not a zero sum game, and we can all work together for a better

Dude. Some of us are at work.

Thinking of racism that way also allows a lot of people to give themselves a complete pass on their own behavior and beliefs. If bigotry has to involve violence and feelings of hate for it to “count” as bigotry, then they don’t have to think critically about what they do and say.

When I was a kid, the Santa at my dad’s work’s family Christmas party was black. The idea that Santa had to be white was always strange to me, even, I think, before I realized that Santa was not a real person.

Also, this country was built on the secular values of the Enlightenment. There’s a reason that the US does not have a state religion (unlike the European countries of the day, or even of today) and was willing to enter into treaties with Muslim nations 200+ years ago.