
Ahhh, memories. I think our TV was slightly more high-tech than that - IIRC, it had actual number buttons on the side instead of a dial, and a little LED number display to show what channel you were on. But the box and the wood trim on it, yeah definitely.

SMB2 was one of my favorite games back in the day, I think in part because it was one of the very few games back then that let you play as a female character (and she was the one with the best powers, too). And Zelda 2 was actually my introduction to that franchise, so I have some fond nostalgia for it, but it

I absolutely see what you’re saying. I don’t mean we should welcome racism into the party platform! That would be unacceptable.

She may not have wanted to run a primary against Hillary Clinton. But in 4 years? She could be just the populist outsider candidate we need.

We need to find a way to say this to people in the Rust Belt, AND to tell them “therefore, here are the many ways we will help you develop a different economic base that could last for decades to come”.

I dunno, the things Trump has talked about - building a border wall, hundreds of billions of infrastructure spending, etc - are just as expensive, and his “conservative” fans cheered them on. I think antisemitism would’ve been a problem, but not that.

So they’re only breeding with each other? That probably explains some things.

We don’t need to include the KKK. We need to include like 5-10% of the people who voted for Trump. That’ll be more than enough to win back the Presidency and probably the Senate too.

I know it’s distasteful, but if we want to win back Congress and make progress, we have to build a coalition with a bunch of people who’ve never really looked past the racism and sexism they were raised with. It’s not going to be fun, but the only other option is to wait it out a few decades for demographics to

They’ll be real pissed when Trump enacts his 45% tariffs and everything at Walmart gets 45% more expensive.

It’s about a lot of things. You don’t build a coalition without a mix of views.

“Infrastructure bonds” just means borrowing money and promising you’ll spend it on building roads, so I think that might be one thing the GOP will fight him on.

His idea of “reaching out” was to insult them and to retweet white supremecist memes. That’s pretty a weak job of reaching out.

She’s only “controversial” because Republicans have spent the last 24 years trying to make her look as bad as possible at every turn. And they did it because they were scared of her, for daring to be an independent modern career woman who wore pants, instead of being America’s sweet old-fashioned Mom. She challenged

I think there are more people than you think who are casual comics readers. Maybe they buy some trades/graphic novels here and there on Amazon, or follow a couple series on Comixology. They may know enough to be curious about some event they’ve heard about from 20 years ago, or a minor character that showed up in

I think he’ll try to passive-aggressively undermine Trump to whatever extent he can, but Trump is a petty tyrant who will want revenge on Ryan for not endorsing him, so who knows to what extent that will even be.

I think the best-case scenario is that they allow states to opt out of it. So at least the states where it’s popular and successful will be able to continue to have it.

Absolutely. Name-calling and blame games are unproductive. We have to commit ourselves do a better job in the future at building and maintaining our coalition, at getting out the vote, at building excitement. We have good policies that will help people, but we have to reach out to them and say “we will help your

Yeah, I think that’s the bigger issue. I’m optimisitic that Republicans in Congress understand that we can’t actually make Mexico pay for a border wall or allow the President to shut down CNN for criticizing him. The craziest stuff he says probably won’t actually happen. But Congress will probably get to do

What I’m hoping is that there are a few reasonable Republicans who are willing to cross the aisle and at least help the Democrats push back against the worst excesses of Trump. I think there will be some lobbyists encouraging that (how many businesses are going to be cool with gutting trade deals and putting a 45%