
Weren’t they talking about trying to get Romney to do it?

Republicans talk a lot about personal responsibility, but a lot of them sure like to sit around and blame everyone else for their problems.

It struck me as a passive-aggressive non-congratulations.

I think that’ll be harder to do when the Republicans have control of the presidency, Senate, House & the Supreme Court. Not that Fox News people won’t try to spin it that way. But I do wonder if they won’t see him as a traitor.

I wonder how they’ll react when Trump doesn’t deliver on the promises he made to them?

The thought has crossed my mind that his hacker buddies in the Kremlin may have done something.

If he’s bad enough, they still might. I bet most of the establishment Republicans would  prefer Pence over the incompetent wildcard that is Trump.

Then Pence becomes President. He’d probably do a less bad job, but I’m still not thrilled at that prospect.

I’ve seen some discussion that they can’t cancel plans that you’ve already signed up for, so thankfully we have a year to try to fight for something on that front. In many states, the exchange has been... maybe imperfect, but an improvement, and pretty successful. I think that for those of us in those states, we can

I’m not a fan of Hitler comparisons either, but I have and will continue to compare Trump to Mussolini.

The Bush administration did commit war crimes, but the Hitler comparisons occaisionally made by young liberal activists were pretty overblown.

If you were told that you were not going to be hired because you are white, than you can and probably should sue that person. You have that legal right.

The idea that his life was made harder because he’s white and male is patently absurd, but there are lots of predominantly white areas that are in bad economic straits because the industrial jobs went away.

The idea that he’ll actually prioritize the needs of working-class Americans of any race is pretty laughable. But for people who are angry and frustrated, sometimes, burning the world down sounds like a better option than continuing the status quo or having to engage in a slow, grueling, awful, thankless fight to

If you look at the numbers, the rate of increase in health insurance premiums dropped really significantly after the ACA started from 2013-2016. Before the ACA, we were seeing 7, 8, 9, 10% increases every year. From 2013-2016, the overall increase (specific plans obviously vary) has been around 4% per year. This

When you’re hiring medical personnel and educational experts and agricultural scientists to go somewhere and help the people there, it’s really not a problem. Some charity groups raise money in order to buy food, clothing, school supplies, etc to hand out to needy people. Other charity groups raise money to teach

He said today that he’d replace the ACA with health savings accounts. Which is kind of like saying you’ll close down the fire department and allow homeowners to buy their own fire hoses instead.

There are parts of the US that still haven’t recovered from the recession. Other parts that have been depressed for decades, ever since the town factory or mine or mill closed down. A lot of the (largely white) people in those areas are miserable and angry and don’t think anyone cares about their plight. They feel

Definitely. Plus, some of those unskilled jobs that were outsourced to China are now leaving China in search of lower-wage workers in Vietnam, Bangladesh, North Korea, etc. They’re not coming back to the US. Those 45% tarriffs Trump is talking about will just make goods 45% more expensive for consumers.

Since the DoE handles the nukes, they might not be so quick to do that.