
A little surprised by that, TBH, since the ACA has fuck-all in terms of cost controls.

I think we need a better ground game. Rally people up, do better at GotV, blitz people with ad campaigns about just how important these Congressional and local races are and that they really CAN make a difference, that they have the power to turn the Senate blue, turn their state and local offices blue.

And lots and lots of people who lose their insurance and cannot get another plan because of the repeal. Like me.

Ryan has apparently said that they won’t do the infrastructure spending for Trump either. Most of his other “100 day agenda”, but not that and not term limits for Congress.

I think that Trump is entirely swayed by whoever has his ear at the time, so who the hell knows. But I think this election has made it clear that - no matter what evangelicals say - “family values” issues are not actually a huge priority for them.

Wondering the same thing myself.....

If Planned Parenthood doesn’t get totally screwed, they offer services on a sliding scale, so if you have no income at age 18 you may be able to get it for a significant discount.

I’m only maybe 75% sure I’m not having a kid ever, but if I have to choose between 1) getting essure and regretting it or 2) being forced to have a kid, I’d choose 1.

This is..... a good idea. I’ve got a year and a half until mine needs to be replaced, but right now my copay is $5 and the IUD would be free. If the ACA is repealed, I will have no insurance, and because of my medical history will be uninsurable.

Your feelings are absolutely valid, and I wasn’t trying to suggest that you personally need to reach out to Trump supporters. :) I was thinking more about the approach the DNC and progressive activists should take.

A foundation that directly employs large numbers of aid workers and sends them all over the world to help people in need spent a lot on those workers’ salaries and travel expenses? Gasp! Say it ain’t so! They spend about 10% on admin costs, which is typical-to-good for charity groups, and about 5% on fundraising.

Sure. If we’d chosen a candidate with a broader populist appeal, gotten voters more excited about them, and done a better job with GOTV efforts, things would probably have gone better - in ‘00, in ‘04, and yesterday.

Well, that information comes from the things I’ve heard him say during his speeches and debates. Are you saying that Donald Trump’s own words are left-wing propaganda?

Did blaming them help get Kerry elected?

He has a history of being sued for racial discrimination as a landlord and as an employer. His comments about women speak for themselves. He is a bigot. But, so are a lot of people, to a greater or lesser extent, and that doesn’t mean they’re evil and can’t be reasoned with. You’re right, though, that if we’re not

Sure. But that’s the electorate we have. So the goal has to be either 1) to persuade them not to tolerate bigotry, or 2) to find ways to appeal to them and make them part of the Democratic coalition anyway (without compromising our own values).

It’s very unfortunate that your state does not offer better options. Some states (in particular ones where the state resisted the ACA) have not had much success with the program, while in others it’s been very successful. My experience, for example, has been very good - I pay about $120/month (with a ~$100

Yeah, but then they voted for a white supremecist who brags about sexually assaulting women and whose campaign platform included  ending freedom of the press and religion, promising to violate the 4th amendment, astronomically increasing the debt, promising to tell our allies to f*** off, etc etc.

It’s not just third-party voters. It’s not useful or correct to assign all the blame to them. And we can’t change who the electorate is, so instead, we have to change how we reach out to them.

Hopefully it hasn’t. He ran a campaign where he *promised* to suppress freedom of the press, persecute religious minorities, and have his opponent imprisoned. Where he encouraged violence against citizens on the other side, and joked about canceling elections.