
If you think Donald Trump will actually deport all the illegal immigrants he (and other business owners like him) employs, and instead hire white people at much higher cost, I have a bridge to sell you.

There is only one candidate in this election who stole from their charity - and he won.

She made no money from the Clinton Foundation. Not even $1. We know this because unlike Trump, she released her tax returns. Trump, on the other hand, has used his foundation money llike it’s his personal and/or campaign bank account on multiple occasions.

Well, if Donald Trump screws our international relationships, $200m superhero movies that make $$$ in the international market might be a thing of the past.

Blaming it on them doesn’t get us anywhere, though. Those voters were around in 2012 and will be around in 2020. We can’t change the electorate, only ourselves and our approach.

The Democrats will have to sit down and take a really really hard look at what they missed this time, just like the GOP did in 2012. (Now, the GOP ended up doing exactly the opposite of what their “autopsy” recommended and still somehow won, but regardless, they need to do it.)

I looked around online and it looks like the last few times the Republican got more like 55%, so I guess there’s that.

I guess those are the TWENTY PERCENT of Trump voters who said in the exit polls that they think he’s unqualified, dishonest, untrustworthy and doesn’t have the right temperament for the job, but they’re angry and want change.

Also, Trump supporters who say drain the swamp make me laugh. In that old expression, the “swamp” refers to capitalism and the influence of rich business owners like Trump on the government.

Trump’s fraud trial begins on the 28th. I think we’ll be seeing some buyers remorse then, especially if he has to release those tax returns....

Maybe the judges in his upcoming trials?

We will recover eventually, it’s a matter of how long it takes. 10, 20, 30, 40 years?

Exit polls show, basically, that 20% of Trump voters know he’s an unqualified dishonest asshole, and voted for him anyway because they’re mad at life/economy/government and want to scream and break their toys.

CNN has exit poll results if you want to see them. Younger voters were much more likely to vote for Clinton than older ones.

Right. I’ve said this a few times on here, but the exit polls show that 20% of the people who voted for him said they think he’s unqualified, dishonest, untrustworthy and lacks the right temperament to be President. But they did largely describe themselves as feeling angry towards the government, that the quality they

According to the exit polls, 20% of Trump voters say that he’s unqualified, dishonest, untrustworthy, and has the wrong temperament to be President.

At very least, this election showed the GOP that evangelical voters don’t actually give a rats ass about “family values” and maybe they can stop trying to end abortion and gay rights.

According to people in the know, both HW and W were planning on voting for Clinton. Which probably reallllllly tells you something.

The executive absolutely can make war. Congress hasn’t formally declared war against another country since 1941. Now, if the “military action” is above a certain size, like Vietnam or Iraq, Congress is supposed to get to vote on whether or not to fund it. But for the Gulf War, Kosovo, Grenada, Somalia, Syria,

If you look at the exit polls, people voted for Trump because they wanted to shake things up. Many of his own voters feel he is unqualified, dishonest, untrustworthy, has the wrong temperament and treats others problematically, but they overwhelming said they wanted “change”.