
A lot of people - myself included - are concerned about survival of the nation. Candidates who run on “make this country great again”, “democracy is rigged, “I’ll shut down the media that’s critical of me”, and “I’m going to throw my opponent in jail” - when they get into power, it’s often the end of democracy. This

Here’s the strange thing: if you go by the exit polls, a lot of them DIDN’T think he was a good idea. A large portion of his own voters said that he was dishonest, untrustworthy, not qualified, had the wrong temperament, and his treatment of women was a problem - and voted for him anyway.

I don’t understand why people have such a hard time with it? You fill out a form, show them your ID, voila. I guess some states suck and make it inconvenient to try to keep people from voting. When I was in high school they did voter registration at the high school, I think you could register in the guidance

Virginia is only “too close to call” because the red rural counties with like 1,000 voters are done counting their votes, and the heavily-Democratic counties in NoVa with 100,000 voters are still counting. I looked at CNN and they had not more than 2/3 of the votes reporting in for Fairfax, Arlington, Falls Church,

Yes I was. It was almost as bad as having food poisoning. I was a little surprised that enough of it made it into my system to have any effect.

Ugh, worse than the devil. They made me SO sick (and no, I didn’t drink while I was on them).

Probably actually is available at your local Safeway. I bought it at mine the last time I had a UTI and mixed it maybe 1:2 with water because otherwise it’s totally undrinkable.

I read an article probably a month ago where Beck said basically “I can’t bring myself to endorse Hillary, but she’d be better than Trump”. Apparently he’s hated Trump since at least the primaries.

Man, what a crazy election, when Glenn f-ing Beck sounds reasonable-ish.

Well, the lack of swastikas will probably be a helpful indication...... also, a lot of the scenes in the trailer that weren’t in Themyscra (sp?) looked like they were in London, and I think most people can tell the difference between the clothes/vehicles/etc from 1915 and 1940.

Maybe if the Republicans can field reasonable candidates they could turn that around, but that seems unlikely in the near future.

True, he may refuse to concede.

They only care about freedom of THEIR speech, which to them includes freedom from criticism.

I think for the liberal end of the Democrats and leftward, there’s a lot of discomfort with 1) her ties to financial institutions, big money establishment donors etc, and 2) the way the Democrats moved to the right in the 90s and a feeling that the Clintons are maybe a little too willing to compromise liberal values

I think most people would choose to at least work part-time to keep themselves occupied and have extra cash and a sense of providing for their families, but it would mean that, in an era where much less unskilled and semi-skilled labor is needed, people could get by on the part-time work that’s available to them.

I think ultimately, the alternatives will be either: 1) something like this, 2) a return to feudalistic levels of class inequality where the ownership class owns 99%+ of wealth and everyone else is scrabbling in the dirt for survival, or maybe 3) global warming etc cause such serious catastrophe that we have to spend

I think Renner has no idea what’s going to happen and just hyping up his role and the movie to try to stay relevant.

Yeah, but IIRC the Fraction series didn’t start until around when Avengers came out, and Renner thought he was going to be a big movie star afterwards and I doubt would have agreed to a TV show. Just bad timing I guess.

WW’s original origins are in WWII, but I think WB/DC wanted to differentiate her more from Captain America so they changed the setting. I liked the oblique reference to suffragettes in the trailer, though - there’s more potential for an interesting story in that setting than I realized.

That would be *amazing*, but I really doubt they’d do it in the movies. Maybe if WW gets a TV presence?