
One thing I haven’t seen reported on here, but on the Daily Beast a week or two ago. They interviewed a guy who said he went to some of these Trump parties. He said that there were a lot of young and possibly-underage models at the parties who were led to believe if they slept with these guys it would help their 10/10 would recommend

Genuine question - if the news station covering the debate paid for the security and to use the space (rather than the college), would you feel differently? For me, personally, that’s generally where I draw the line with these things.

Oh, it gets worse! I saw one of those with “truck nuts” last night. I didn’t even know that was a real thing, I always thought it was a joke making fun of rednecks! That was actually gross.

I’ll need that much wine if I’m wrong. And maybe a passport.

I live in ruralish Maryland, and while my county is overall center-right, I do periodically see guys with the whole back of their pickups covered in NRA, Confederate flag, Don’t Tread On Me, pro-life, insults to Obama, vote Trump, etc bumper stickers.

Plus, somewhere between 1/3 - 1/2 of illegal immigrants came here legally and just didn’t leave after their visa or work permit expired, something that no amount of border security can do anything about.

I’ve been repeating this to myself for the last couple days, but Trump will have to hold onto all the red-leaning states, win all the tied-ish swing states, and flip a state where Clinton has a pretty decent margin in order to win . VA, PA, CO, one of those. Otherwise, he can’t win.

Barring some massive polling irregularity or a sudden surge of Trump support in both NC and CO in the next week, Trump can’t win, numerically. He could get Ohio and Florida and Iowa and Arizona and Nevada and would still lose.

Well, the FBI arrested some group calling themselves “Crusaders” who were going to bomb an apartment building because some Muslims live there. That was about 2 weeks ago, I think?

You can target robocalls to specific households, yeah. I doubt you can buy a list of “KKK-sympathizer” phone calls, but you can probably buy something like “rural convervative seniors in [very white] zip code 12345".

At this point, I think, there’s only people who are trying to decide whether they want to vote vs not vote, or vote third party vs major party, not undecided between Trump & Clinton.

If you use Outlook or your phone or tablet’s mail app to check your Yahoo mail, then yes, your e-mails are automatically downloaded to your device. Look up POP3 and IMAP if you’re curious or skeptical. Text emails aren’t very big files.

I stopped watching back when they didn’t kill Glenn before, and I actually did stop. But this review makes me want to start watching again.

That reminds me of hearing someone compare this election to one between Tony Soprano and the Joker.

Yeah, the free lunch bothered me, too, for the same reason. In my industry (teaching martial arts), that’s a common strategy too and I find it shady as fuck. Renting a facility on the weekend is one thing, but the other stuff seems corrupt.

The office-using part might not, but even well-off schools rent their facilities. You can never have too much money for education.

Many public school systems rent out their facilities to different groups to use at night and on the weekend. It raises some money for the schools and provides a venue. Some of those groups or events may be religious in nature (the high school I went to, for example, rented the auditorium to a synagogue). This group

I know they’re not really the same thing, but in my experience that’s kind of the stereotype or perception. It seems like they tend to get lumped together, along with some other forms of spirituality/religious observation that don’t involve governing institutions and uniform codified theologies.