
The FBI has already arrested 3 white nationalist militia members who were planning a terrorist attack for Nov 9th. Trump does not personally have a fascist white nationalist militia under his employ, but he has won the support of groups and individuals like that. That’s what we have to worry about with this - not an

While that’s true, it’s also completely tangential to the reason why people are concerned about him possibly not conceding. They’re worried that he’ll rile up his fans and they’ll try to shoot Hillary or blow up the White House or something.

When was it not cool to hate on them? They were always, like, the Vanilla Ice of pop punk.

Well, not drunk, anyway.

Gravity is stronger between two large bodies than between a large body and a small body (F = Gm1m2/r2), so I wouldn’t think so? But I only did 100-level physics, so I’m not an expert either. *shrugs*

Why do you think it would have to be small if it were far away? Our solar system isn’t structured so that the big planets are close to the sun and the small ones are far away.

In the US, the crossover between “paranoid racist right-winger” and “fanatical gun nut” is pretty high. Lots of Americans own guns, or think it should be legal to own guns for self-defense and hunting, but most don’t worship them and reaxt to even the slightest hint of reasonable regulation like it was treason. Those

I’m sure he *does* see it as “playing them” when he screws people over.

And I guess we’ll never know if you can have empathy for others, since you’ve decided to be an asshole instead of trying to understand or care about the experiences of others. I guess that gets you some points with anonymous teenage MRA/PUA/GamerGate bros on the Internet, huh?

If you had read my comments, you wouldn’t have needed to ask that.

Tasers can be lethal, but they’re much less likely to be vs shooting a person, so IMO they really ought be used more.

Sometimes people undergoing serious mental health issues or on certain drugs can have a very surprising level of strength out of proportion to their size and age. I’ve been hit by a schizophrenic woman I know who probably weighs 90lbs and the bruise took months to fade. So I can understand the cops being concerned.

You can kill someone with a taser, but being tased is much *less likely* to be fatal than being shot.

Where I live, you see job ads all the time for low-level mental health positions where the requirements are to be 18+ and have a high school diploma. I know some people who do or did that kind of work, and I think most of them did have a bachelors degree, it wasn’t in a related field.

If she had reported it, 99% chance it would have been brushed off as “no big deal” or “nothing we can do” or “why are you making a scene”. That’s what happens, because it happens all the time and is normalized.

Do you think the GOP primary base would have nominated a black woman? I’m very skeptical of that. If she were a Democrat, sure.

There was a She-Hulk issue where Doom’s son wanted to claim asylum in the US and hired her to represent him. This went about as well as would be expected.

So you responded to my comment without reading it?

The big problem, I think, was that the villains were such ridiculous caricatures that they were useless at teaching any message more subtle than pollution = bad. “Mwahhaha I’m going to dump toxic waste in the rainforest!!! That’ll teach Captain Planet!!”

Most won’t. But lets say 0.001% of Trump voters are inspired to try to commit violence - we’re still talking about over 1000 people. And even if most of those guys are the kind of useless idiots who try to buy a bomb on eBay from an FBI agent, we could still have hundreds of white supremacist militia and conspiracy