
Did you know that men can oppress other men, or did you think that men can only oppress women?

Sure. It still bothers me, because integrity etc. But there is a real difference between breaking your vows and committing assault. Neither are ethical choices, but one is much worse than the other.

It’d still bother me if he was bragging about consensually fucking someone other than his wife, because cheating reflects poorly on his character and also that kind of talk in a work-related setting is unprofessional, but yeah, it’d be a million times less bad.

Terrorism. They won’t overthrow the government, but we might see another attack like the Oklahoma City bombing in the 90s (I think that’s basically what those guys they arrested in Kansas last week were planning). Or vigilatism, maybe a resurgence of KKK & neo-Nazi activity.

I don’t think the armed forces are the ones we have to worry about - it’s those dickwad white supremecist militia types like in the 90s. They already arrested 3 dudes in Kansas who were planning on blowing up an apartment complex because some of the tenants are Muslim. 

Not the primary ones, but patriarchy hurts men too.

It means it’s useless for working out, like just about every sports bra that doesn’t come in cup sizes. :/

I *loved* it at as a kid, but I saw a rerun a few years ago and yeah, it was terrible.

I haven’t seen that - do you remember what it was called?

Oregon and Washington state are both very white overall, so it’s not remotely surprising that the more liberal part of the states are also pretty white. (I actually just looked at the Census website for Portland vs Oregon as a whole, and Portland is a good bit more diverse than the state overall, though that’s a

There are a lot of different ways to do things that are more democratic than our current system.

The US does have an actual socialist party, who is running a ticket, but apparently they only got on the ballot in 2 states.

The Green party does run candidates for congress and state/local offices, they’re just not very successful. But if they focused more of their energy on that, maybe they would be?

Because, unlike countries that developed their democratic institutions in more recent years, we have a shitty first-past-the-post winner-takes-all-system that was the best thing they could come up with in the 18th century.

It’s still used colloquially, i.e. “maternity ward”, even if it doesn’t literally mean a room with a large number of patients.

“Special needs” is a euphemism for disabled.

Welllll.... those guys actually were planning on blowing up a specific apartment building (because some of the renters are Muslim).

That depends on the local/state laws governing charter schools. (In Maryland, for example, your statement is totally wrong.) Do you know that that’s the case in CO?

They go to another school, that’s how it works, genius.

They are legally entitled to an education, but not necessarily from *that one school*. Their parents will just have to enroll them somewhere else.