
Liberal places are “lily white”? Only in places where every space is “lily white”. The Democrats are almost 50% POC. Almost every place I’ve been, diverse areas are center-left to liberal and very white areas tend to be *much* more conservative.

WaPo did poll a week or two ago that found that ~60% of Republicans say they don’t have faith in democracy (as did ~40% of Democrats). Ugh.

I think it’ll be more like the 90s (Oklahoma city bombing, Unibomber, etc), and the same kind of white nationalist militia types committing the violence.

It has if there was an actual bomb (see: Ted Kazinsky) - but if it’s a mass shooting or a failed plot (like the guys from Kansas on Friday), then yeah, it’s only terrorism if they’re brown.

I think we’re about the same age, and I remember “gay” being used as basically a catch-all insult for anything stupid or annoying, as well as things perceived as effeminate. “That assembly was gay”, “softball is gay”, “New Kids on the Block are gay”, etc. But it might also be a bit regional.

And Ben “the pyramids were for storing food” Carson is a neurosurgeon. Having a graduate degree does not, in itself, make you an informed or intelligent person.

I work with kids, and now that you mention it, I don’t hear them say “that’s so gay” as a general put-down like kids did 20+ years ago. Granted, I’m an authority figure (😲⁉) now, not a peer, so maybe they’re just not saying it in front of me. But this really might be a generational divide between Gen X/early

That doesn’t mean it’s not a real skill. Kendo is really demanding, both physically and mentally. And the people who’ve been training it a long time have a great deal of subtlety in their perception and movement, because they refined their skills and developed mastery with years of practice.

Or kendo, which was the original inspiration for it. (You can see the kendo influence in the original film, but by the prequels it’s completely gone.)

Yeah, while Bill clearly took advantage of his office to engage in affairs with ethically very questionable power differences.... as far as we know, and as far as Ken Starr spent literally millions of taxpayer dollars trying to find, neither he nor his wife who is the actual candidate are in the habit of grabbing

I’m guessing the enclosed space. There’s nowhere for it to go.

My initial response to Marvel’s new black hero being a superpowered NBA player was to roll my eyes, but this actually sounds like it could be a decent take on the idea.

Right. At the very least I *know* she said that Dumbledore is gay and was in love with Grindlewald and that’s why he didn’t stop him sooner. I don’t remember for sure if she said they were actually involved or of it was unrequited, though.

So are we going to get a tragic gay romance in this movie, or are they going to chicken out of that part of the story?

To be fair, Stern’s whole shtick as a shock jock is to intentionally say messed-up things to get attention/laughs/outrage. I think Trump, on the other hand, actually believes those things and doesn’t think they’re shocking.

Well, that assumes that the district in question isn’t dominated by voters for whom this kind of rhetoric would help rather than hurt their chances....

Nah, he’s [edit: to clarify, I’m talking about Scarborough, not Carson] been calling for Trump to step down for months (long before it became trendy), and has been bemoaning this kind of rhetoric and idiocy in the GOP for years. He’s much too conservative for my taste, but he seems like the kind of guy you could have

He’s conservative, but a fairly reasonable one and not a Trump supporter. I think he’d be a good choice of debate host.

I think that it won’t be that easy for them to wash their hands of him and of the ideology he represents.

Oh, worse than that - they’ll claim that Clinton had him assassinated.