
That’s what Glenn Beck has been saying, actually, when denouncing Trump - that the GOP in Congress can do a lot to obstruct Hillary, but Trump would be a total shitshow and really dangerous.   Who would have ever imagined him as a voice of reason?

I found the idea of love as one of the fundamental forces of the universe to be more grating, but that was a pretty serious plot hole, yeah.

Interstellar managed something I don’t think I’ve seen before - it was both breaktakingly amazing and incredibly dumb at the same time.

It’s a classic, and very strange.

Could be. Tough to say, though, since we don’t know what’s in the prenups or what she’d be offered in a tell-all book/movie/whatever deal.

Well, that assumes he wins, lol.

If she’s smart, she probably has some money or diamonds or something squirreled away somewhere away from Donald. She has to know that she’ll be the ex-wife sooner or later.

The first isn’t comically skimpy, it’s just kind of a lazy knock-off fake superhero outfit. The second, yeah, I wouldn’t wear it, but it’s not bad. The worst thing about it IMO is the model’s makeup.

I mean, it seems like it would be a great costume for someone who wants to do Star Wars role-play in the bedroom. Just maybe not for wearing to your work costume party. ;)

I think that in some races that will be the case. But not for national office. The GOP will never win another national election, or any election in any “blue” district, if they use this kind of tactic on a national stage.

As a guy who’s never been abused or assaulted like that, I can only guess, but I could imagine that in some cases that might be what is actually best for the individual woman even if I don’t think it’s the best thing for society for people who sexually assault other people to get away with it.

Right, this is a book that says that if a man rapes a single woman, he has to pay her father some money as compensation. If she’s married, then either he gets executed, or they both get executed depending on the circumstances. (Basically, if they’re in a populated area and she didn’t yell for help, then it doesn’t

Also, the Bible says, basically, it only counts as rape if you yell for help and nobody comes and helps you, or you’re in a remote unpopulated area. And if you’re single, then the punishment for rape is that the perp has to pay your father money.

That’s tricky. I suspect that he’ll leave most of the inciting to Breitbart, Stormfront, etc and won’t directly say anything strong enough to get him in trouble.

The FEC says that you can’t give your leftover campaign funds to yourself, at least not directly. Basically, you can do 3 things with it: 1. give it to somebody else’s campaign fund or the party, 2. give it a charity/non-profit (possibly one you formed yourself), or 3. leave it in the bank in case you want to run

I don’t think his ego will let him admit to himself that he’s a loser.

I’m pretty sure the alt-right is going to go crazy(ier) when he loses, and he’ll encourage that. I have a feeling we may be seeing a rash of white supremecist terrorist attacks this winter, like it’s the 90s all over again.

He probably does, if he thinks about it at all, because he’s a total narcissicist.

Yes, this, definitely. Sexual assault and harassment are so prevalent from such a young age, and are treated by those with power as such a minor thing, that we all kind of.... get used to it. We start thinking of being harassed, intimidated, assaulted as just routine annoyances in our life. We get used to having to

A lot of sexual assaults are about humiliation or power, that’s very common. They’re using sex as a way to attack another person.