
Ugh, I’m suddenly remembering the time I got a 3-pronged fish hook stuck in me as a kid. We had to go to the ER and have them cut it out.

That movie is gloriously, astonishingly campy from start to finish.

Bat fractals?

At very least, you’d think the “wings” would shred the connective tissue in his arm, meaning he’d probably need extensive surgery to regain use of it.

You’d think that if he knew where the criminals lived, he’d just go there and beat them up instead of sending a live animal by USPS. ;)

I feel like forcing the participants and viewers to face the reality of the times should be, like, 95% of the point of these shows.

As rich as he claims to be, he could definitely have bespoke suits made. Frankly, he could probably go to Joseph A Banks and get them to tailor a suit for him and end up with something better than this.

Or right up the way to Intercourse, PA.

Don’t worry, the dog can’t die.

Violence and threats are definitely a concern, and I suspect we’ll be seeing more of both as white men lose their stranglehold on power in America.

Well, you know what I mean. I don’t think Rice is longing for the status quo of the 1950s.

What is the last one? Don’t tell me that’s two people as an AT-AT.

They’re a shrinking group, though, if that’s any reassurance. I saw a WaPo graph the other day that showed that since the 50s, whites with no more than a high school education have gone from making up about 3/4 of the US population to today being about 1/3 of the population today. White Protestants now make up a

His hardcore base doesn’t care, but there aren’t enough of them for him to come anywhere close to winning the election. To win, he also needs the votes of a lot of non-”deplorable” conservatives. People like John McCain and Condie Rice.

How much do you want to bet they’re underage escorts, too? :(

The Stern one from laSt night (can’t bring myself to listen) apparently has Stern ask him what his minimum age would be for women he’d sleep with. His answer, reportedly, was 12 years old.

People on this site brag about how, because they’re rich and famous, they can go up to guys like Channing Tatum and randomly grab their dicks and get away with it? About how hot their sons are, and how they have a great time barging into the changing rooms of males models to look at them naked?

Huh, interesting. That seems a little complicated, but probably not more so than remembering “thirty days hath September/ April, June & November/etc etc”.

Yeah, me too.

While I still feel that way, this does look fun as hell. (You can enjoy something and *also* critique the cultural tropes it uses. ;))