

Pssst, Kanye. Your wife didn’t become famous for cancer research. At least Amber Rose owns her past, where as your wife pretends hers didn’t exist.

Are these also time traveling witches? Because if they wanted to stop gentrification in Logan Square they’re about twenty years too late.

As someone who lives a mile away from Logan Square...... LOL


#TeamBlacChyna fo’ real. Tyga grosses me out.

Ryan Reynolds just seems so reasonable. His marriage to Blake Lively makes sense in a they-balance-out sort of way.

Nothing shocked me more than the realization that... hey, I like and respect Denise Richards. I’m not saying I think she’s an amazing actress or anything, but she’s been incredibly classy throughout, well, all of the crap he’s thrown at her.

Denise Richards- awful Bond girl, seemingly stand-up awesome lady.

The most interesting part of this story to me is that you can make $50+ per hour doing this, because I really had no idea what kind of cash “you guys” pulled down.

Goddamnit, I miss that show :(

She’s tarnishing her “Parenthood” legacy.....

This was a really interesting read. I never really stopped to think about what street performers are up to behind the scenes.

Meanwhile, in northern Ohio I have not come close to needing to shovel the sidewalks at all. I’m not bragging, its freaking me out.

That was Casey Neistat, he’s a popular YouTuber and advertiser .this is not the first such snow video like this he’s made.

Can we talk about the production values of the snowboarding video?

I saw her video on Facebook, and made the mistake of reading the comments. Not only did people think that it was -her- personal story (reading is hard, y’all), but those who did usually also berated her for being “selfish” for thinking she’s more important than the fetus of the abusive boyfriend. It was a tidal wave

Retta! The best. She is just so amazing.

So many questions (Starting with “Why would I have so many questions?”)

Who takes ten slabs of marble and thinks they’ll be free?