
Good to know. Thanks!

I can’t with that guy gently settling down his items. Reminds me of the time I was about to puke and asked my friend for the plastic bag in her hands and she carefully removed and organized the items in the bag before giving it to me.

Great book!!

Kristen Bell can do no wrong*

I think so. She seems to have her shit together .

Elle King is Rob Schneider’s daughter. :)

I just don’t understand why Liam would say she’s incredibly famous. It’s just going to lead to non stop speculation. Unless...that was the point. Hmm

I stopped watching half way through. Just not that exciting.

That was my thought as well. So disturbing that this is still happening!


Only very minor shoveling here in Chicago. I'm so jealous of the east coast right now!

That’s his personal jeep so I don’t think so. He has done a viral campaign for Mercedes among others.

I might be obsessed with Casey. Thoroughly enjoyed the blizzard vid and was eagerly awaiting it.

I think it's ok but you definitely need to tip accordingly and make the trip worth their while.

I really enjoyed it! I'm already looking forward to season 2.

What if Lady Gaga EGOTs? I’m not sure if I would be ok with this. ETA: She certainly is more talented than me so maybe I shouldn't be so snarky.

For sure! I have slept with my bedside lamp on ever since.

Some friends of mine were wasted one night and forgot to lock their door. They woke up to a man standing in their bedroom watching them. Sooo creepy but luckily they weren't hurt and nothing was missing. It would have never happened if they had locked the door!

I used to be obsessed with The Real World. I’m actually kind of bummed at what it has become. I remember when I was in college I was particularly obsessed with RW New Orleans and lost my shit when I realized I was working with one of the cast’s gf. My fave seasons were probably Seattle, New Orleans, Hawaii, and maybe

Interesting! I thought Rob Thomas had written a VM book before the show. But maybe I'm wrong. Thanks for the heads up!