Kitsch is the new Gosling girl! Get with the program!
Kitsch is the new Gosling girl! Get with the program!
Not what I wanted to achieve with this post! I was going for more of a “spend what you want on your wedding and send the haters so far to the left that they literally fall off of the left and into a puddle of mud.”
based off watching it, i’m pretty sure he was trying to be funny by intentionally singing that part. that seems like something a drunk person would think would be funny.
Patrick Kane has a history of taking things way too literally. For instance, in 2009 he thought the “Tip” portion on his taxi fare meant “Tip over the cab driver with your fist.”
I worked at my college’s call center asking for donations and I”ve had several people refuse to donate because Obama is president. Of the country.
For the last decade of his life, my grandfather recieved nearly 100% of his nourishment from a small rotation of restaurants he would frequent for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am forever grateful to the wait staff of those 5 or 6 restaurants who for at least 10 years would read the same few newspaper clippings he…
Who owns “This Dating Site Isn’t Full of Weird Assholes”, cause I wanna sign up for that one?
The woman then said “I don’t eat anything pureed”—apparently her reason for needing whole potatoes.
He continually surpasses (ever increasing) expectations.
Lena Dunham, the perfect candidate to make gay marriage about herself.
I’m a white atheist, but I was sobbing by the end of that, hoping against hope that Rev. Pinckney and his flock found their heavenly reward.
The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.
It must be nice not to have to work through grad school or - God forbid, after - in a service job.
Roberto Ferdman is super special and never worked for minimum wage or in a service job, so he’s super special and the world revolves around his personal preferences. That’s all I really got from this.
I live in Nashville and there are an astonishing number of bachelorette and bachelor parties every weekend here. The bachelorette parties are easier to spot, so whenever we go out we play the “how many different bachelorettes can you find?” game. They’re generally all really nice and pretty innocuous, but I’ve seen a…
I got married at 30 and saw no need for a bachelorette party. If I want to get drunk and see male strippers with my friends, my wedding ring doesn’t hinder me from doing so. My husband did have a bachelor party and the stripper who gave him a lap dance had such bad BO that he puked and had to come home. I laughed till…
The best bachelorette party I ever went to was sixteen gals at a B&B in Georgia for an overnight. We got there at noon, hung out at the pool and sipped cocktails that were served to us by The Pool Boy (the bride had a man of honor instead of a maid of honor, he did a great job planning the party!) And then we had a…
I fail to see how this is any different than a saturday night downtown in any major city.
I’m barely 5’2”, I volunteer to gaze adoringly up at him, making him feel super tall.
Hasn’t he looked like that since the accident, like 10+ years ago? It was bad enough his jaw was wired shut, hence the album title, “Through the Wire.” Maybe you know all that already, but all that to say I’m not seeing a difference. Maybe he’s still getting it fixed, though?
because she is afraid if she would hire 2 female nannies JT would bang them.