(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

Honest question. What is driving deadspins negative takes on football despite your most popular writer by a mile being a football fan. Without Jambaroo and wyts, this site sucks and I find myself hate reading shit more than anything.

Remember, Horse Gronkowski: It’s not just Gronk riding you. It’s everyone Gronk’s ever ridden who’s riding you...

Lol, do you even know how (Caps) hockey works? Of course they were going to win this game. Down 0-3 leaves the end all but inevitable and robs Caps fans of the searing heartbreak that must accompany the end of a Caps season. I don’t know how the Caps intend on yet again tricking me into a sense of hope before

Whatever. Fuck that girl and fuck all those people. You aren’t allowed to feel joy. I hope she lost that puck on the way home. Hockey is stupid. I’m not mad, YOU are.

Ok, so where are you magically going to create the land to build housing people would be buying and not renting in these desirable urban locales? Tear down apartment complexes and build single family homes? That doesn’t solve your cheap housing problem, it exacerbates it. How much empty real estate is sitting that

Yup, totally Trump’s fault that states like NY and ILL have unreasonably high taxes and then expect rural states to pick up the deficits that they rung up. Hell, people in NYC should be able to spend whatever the hell they want to, who cares if Nebraska has to pay for it when NY has a huge deficit.

No, what you are advocating is using taxes from one group of person - presumably wealthy - to help another group - poor people. But that’s not even how it ends up in NYC or San Francisco; middle class is the one who ends up suffering.

is now listed as 418 valuation on Zillow with no repairs or updates done or needed. It’s wild...

I’m sorry, HamNo, but I found this entire post to be disingenuous, because since when have you cared about sounding like a broken record?

Oh no...we’re not numb. It’s one thing to lose to the pens, the rangers, the flyers.....but the fucking BLUE JACKETS?! I know they nearly choked away a season to the leafs last year but if they blow it against the Blue Jackets, I’m burning my signed Ovechkin jersey. No offense to him of course, this isn’t to spite

They probably liked the fact that RG3's knee isn’t even capable of bending.

Is yoga a sport?

Calling a ref a “bitch-ass motherfucker” when you switched playground teams because you didn’t want to compete against the best players, like, deserves its own Alanis Morissette song.

This, unlike Deadspin’s, is a very reasonable take.

So you’re so offended by the word that you’ll gladly accept a video of someone saying it and broadcast it to the whole world, in order to ruin his life. Why would you broadcast such a hurtful word?

Non-black guy encouraging non-black guy to record video of himself using racial slur for black people so it can be distributed on internet site. This shit is woke AF.

As the Handbook of Racial Rules notes, white people have immunity from any consequences for saying the word “nigga” when it’s within the context of a song. We regret the error.

Wrong. A Canadian Standoff is when two people can’t decide who’s holding the door open for whom.

It’s good to see the Kings recognize our right to assemble, even if it’s 250 years late.

I’m sorry brother but this is America, the land of getting spectacularly lit on the golf course