(Not That) Bill O'Reilly

If someone came to your house and camped in your front yard and screamed all day and night about how bad you are, you would want to correct the record somehow. Right?

Chelsea Manning is a traitor and should stay in prison.


That’s a loose definition of “news.” Remember when we used to mock FOX News for “We Report, You Decide?”

I thought “fake news” was a problem when it supposedly worked against Billary??? If you’re OK with Buzzfeed reporting this, fine, but you don’t get to bitch about Comey bringing up emails or Pizzagate because it allegedly helped a guy you (and most of us sane people) disagree with... It’s either a problem, or it

Not to worry, the Raven fans will continue to be antagonizing DBs.

I’m still hoping that HamNo does something on how the Rockettes got screwed by their union.

Don’t stroke his ego, kiss-ass.

To add insult to injury, now they have to wait a full year for Santa gigs at local malls

So are internet comments questioning the physical status of professional athletes.

Dude, you don’t need to flip out when I say his numbers are a little inflated by his era. It’s just common fucking sense. Here, a visual aid:

I didn’t say it was easy, just that it’s in part a product of his time. Leaving aside that a lot of the goalies you’re talking about weren’t in the league when Gretzky was racking up those hard to believe numbers, look at the ones who were. Grant Fuhr is “in the Hall of Fame” with an .887 SV%. An .887 save percentage

To be fair, many in the press seem to have forgotten the difference as well.

Yes and no. I wouldn’t call what’s happened to the Vader character since TESB neutering since the fires of Mostafar probably did that already. It’s a diminished level of scariness.

I don’t think Vader’s threat level was significantly diminished by ROTJ. His dialogue in the final confrontation with Luke is still

Yeah in the same way the role of “amazing lover” suits me just fine. 

And Hillary’s approvals were through the roof... until she started to campaign for president. Bernie never faced any serious negative campaigning. I think you greatly overestimate how popular socialism would be in a general election. Still, maybe be swings a few thousand votes in MI, WI, and PA? Maybe! Far from

“So tell us about the jobs that will be created by this stadium plan.”

Well, it’s nice to see a Cardinals drive actually end in points for once. Unfortunately, they are on Floyd’s license.

No... it’s an elephant! I’ll be back in five minutes.

This is so dumb. We have an electoral college, so candidates campaign around that. If it was a popular vote the campaign trail would look dramatically different. So, we have no idea who would have won a popular vote, if that’s what mattered.