So if an adult victim of sexual assault had their description of the incident filmed by police, it would be OK for Deadspin to run the video without her consent? Get the fuck out of here.
So if an adult victim of sexual assault had their description of the incident filmed by police, it would be OK for Deadspin to run the video without her consent? Get the fuck out of here.
This was such a transparently bad decision even at the time it was made that I wish Anderson would also get the boot for it.
The only thing that makes Kelly remotely plausible for Maryland is the bottomless pit of money Kevin Plank would be willing to throw at him to complete his vision of building Oregon East.
“He thinks he knows how to end a career? I’ll show him how you end a career.”
It’s about capturing my truth. Plain and simple.
Part of alerting people to potential danger is writing something that helps them realize it can happen to them, too.
Distinction without a difference. If “opinion” is insufficient grounds for distinguishing between what is newsworthy and what is not, then the only way to determine “when the serious stuff rolls around” is through market reaction, which you’ve already implied is an untrustworthy mechanism.
Argument by assertion. Why isn’t harassing witnesses a violation of ethics? Because Barry (and apparently you) say so?
Sure—I’m just observing that Barry seems to reserve his empathy only for fellow members of the Fourth Estate.
We can debate about whether the public needs the gory details of an eyewitness account in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy such as this,* but that’s not Barry’s defense of these gruesome practices—his boils down to “people want this story, so we have to go to any length to get it b/c clicks.”
The public may say it doesn’t want the horrible details; ratings, circulation, and traffic say the public is lying. The public may claim it values accuracy over speed, and that it is monstrous to contact witnesses this soon after a tragedy; the broad and voracious consumption of breaking reports, and the tendency to…
Flake might be the most aggressively fiscally conservative Senator on the Hill. For the past 2-3 years he’s been doing a March Madness bracket for the most wasteful government spending programs, and his comms team is always looking for other ways to make fun of ridiculous programs.
If I had to hire someone to run a grain company, I’m not gonna look at some guy’s resume and be like, “Oh! Thank God this man has NO experience working with wheat. Sick of these wheat-biz bureaucrats holding the grain supply hostage.” That would be insane, and yet that mild prerequisite is seemingly unnecessary to get…
Considering that a nontrivial proportion of women basically can’t come through deep vaginal stimulation (i.e., fucking), that’s sort of a lower priority.
This was a lesson I understood before I ever even lost my v-card, based solely on popular media tropes about men not taking the time to satisfy their partners.
Given the video evidence, a criminal case could in theory be successfully prosecuted against Papelbon regardless of whether Harper cooperates, but the USAO for DC is a bit busy for this kind of inconsequential nonsense.
Somewhat tangential, but why have we not yet all come into collective agreement that running out a routine play for no reason is stupid and shouldn’t be encouraged?
That’s a pretty wordy way of telling us all that you’re an idiot whose opinion should be given no credence.
Exactly. Harper can be an unthinking douche, and if he were to throw down a “it’s him or me” ultimatum it could come across as narcissism given that history.
Have you met the Lerners? They’re not going to pay someone not to work.