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2018 felt incomplete without this article.  Thanks for the list!

I miss metal box.  I’m betting none of the albums listed in the article were mentioned in any of their coming releases articles.

I saw the movie without reading the books, and I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards so I picked up and read Annihilation in one sitting the next day. There are some parallels with ideas about change and evolution, but I can’t think of a single scene in the movie that’s actually from the book. There are, in

Especially when the trailers have a narrator talking about “the world has run out of resources”. Yes, we have no resources, except for the fuel to let us movie entire cities around the planet.

It makes the grammar nerd in me super happy to see “nauseated” rather than “nauseous”.

The soundtrack is the only thing about the movie I didn’t like.  It would have been a great soundtrack if it wasn’t all covers.

The telescope in Symphony of the Night would occasionally show you the guy with a boat. It was a hint that there was a way across the water sections further down in the castle before you got the snorkel (Holy Symbol of J, was I think the localization for that).

I want to say Rob Roy MacGregor and Archibald Cunningham, but in reality it’s probably Sanjuro Tsubaki and Hanbei Muroto.

It was a shame that the people who took Boll up on his offer didn’t seem to know he was a golden gloves boxer when younger. I would have liked to see him lose in the ring.

The new Star Trek movies have fantastic casting, but their scripts are garbage. This news makes me happy that I gave up on Tolkien adaptations after The Two Towers.

The second book begins immediately after the first book ends. Book three takes place 15 to 20 years after book two ends. Book four takes place 5000 (I think, it’s definitely multiple thousands) years after book three ends.

I get the flashy aspect of pop culture, and have just gotten to a point where expect to be disappointed with action in movies.  It does make the occasional surprises were things are done realistically and flashy really satisfying.

I like the duel in episode 4, but only if thinking about it from the standpoint of edged weapons. If people actually had swords with infinite piercing power... well, even a long time ago in a galaxy far far away the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. It always bugs me that no one fights with a

Ahsoka fights blade down. There’s plenty of fluff in the rpg source-books and fiction about that style.

I know plenty of people who aren’t Sith that could put a light saber through their father’s chest without too much hesitation.

After years of martial arts training “a ton of action” in a fight sequence looks really silly to me. A fight involving someone who knows what they’re doing, even more so a fight with two masters, is generally a very short affair. Kenobi and Vader jockeying for the center was more believable than pretty much anything

Ellison didn’t hate people.  He just saw a huge amount of potential in humanity and was easily disappointed when confronted with stupidity or laziness.

He was the guest of Honor at MiniCon in 2006. Ellison hated his short story “Doomsman”, and would buy copies off of people so he could destroy them. I had two copies that I brought up to him at a panel and handed them over. He tried to hand me the $3 he had in his wallet, but I told him it was thanks for swinging by

That’s why you eat the pancakes last.

The “pays attention” is a big part of the Rebels fight between Obi Wan and Maul. Maul tries to use the same attack on Obi Wan that he used to kill Qui-Gon, apparently forgetting that Obi was watching that fight.