Delete Me

The Calamari don’t look like squid, but the Quarren, a second sentient species that developed on the same world sort of do. Well, they have face tentacles and can spit ink; they look like D&D Mindflayers.

I found this comment vastly amusing, because the Chad and Kelly I know who play instruments are both drummers; and drummers don’t slow down songs.

I mentioned wanting a Cobra Trouble Bubble to a friend who’s an aeronautical engineer. They became less exciting after he pointed out the experience would end with you burning your feet off and just spinning in place.

“Hell” by Squirrel Nut Zippers is fun, but I like “The Ghost of Stephen Foster” or “Dancing on the Moon” alot more. Which is odd, because overall I like Katherine Whalen’s voice more than James Mathus’. I’m excited that they’re releasing a new album in March! Though, sadly without Whalen.

I thought the same thing when seeing “two great full albums”, since I love all three. I think about “Cream and Bastards Rise” constantly at work, but “Moral Centralia” is probably my favorite from Little by Little.

I’m sure I heard Photograph more than Freshmen in the 90s. However, my memory might be skewed from working in a music department of a Media Play in the 90s skewing my perception what was actually playing on the radio.

The guy who ran the music department at the Media Play I where I worked in the mid 90s knew Semisonic’s manager. He convinced the store manager to let them play a set in the store on a Saturday. I got my copy of The Great Divide signed that day. While I do love the band (I have their CD from when they were still

What was Franz Ferdinand’s one hit? I love them, but can’t remember how I found out about them.

An apocalypse is a divine revelation. An eschaton is a divinely inspired world ending event. One day I’ll see an article use the right word and be pleasantly surprised.

Gods and Monsters is what got me to finally give up on DC. They managed to beat down Bruce Timm until he made something that was completely in line with their boring grimness, devoid of all joy.

Look at the spelling in the URL.

The thug who couldn’t find Bane without asking Catwoman for help is the modern archetype for “The Great Detective”? Is the animated series Batman too old to be considered modern?

That “Now laugh.” at the end of the article is one of the single most depressing things I’ve read in my life.

After I posted I vaugely recalled the “Dash X” name. I think the moment they realized it was a + and not an X was the gotcha for the episode. And I think you’re right, that it never came up again.

This is what we’re celebrating now? Instead of countering the talking points we participate in ad hominem attacks and comment on the pose of the person in the agitprop. I’m tempted to start voting Republican if only to accelerate humanity’s extinction.

It really bugs me that Manji doesn’t have a manji on the back of his kimono in Blade of the Immortal. Also, calling Rin “ferocious” is a bit odd. Determined, maybe, but she’s pretty much barely competent in fights for most of the story. From the trailers, it looked like they were keeping that aspect, but the reviewer

Was it an X or a +? I haven’t watched the show since the initial airing, but I vaguely remember some sort of battery shenanigans happening.

I gave up at the idea that Something Awful could have spawned anything worthwhile, and that excessive use of commas is a joke instead of poor communication skills.

Is it cynical of me to say that I’m a little glad it’s not making a ton of bank. I didn’t care for the parts of the movie that hinted at the larger repercussions for what was to come. I thought the personal journey of K and Deckard was what was interesting. If this was a huge money maker, I’d be afraid that any sequel

I thought you were going to go with, “Her eyes were green.”