Not a Troll

She’s joined by the equally amazing

Nice virtue signalling. No one doesn’t respect women MMA fighters.

Knowing this site and its continuing decline it was easy to guess the number one.

Ugh, the fact that number 1 is wrong leads me to believe there are other inaccuracies throughout the list. Oh well, won’t ruin Spidey at the Alamo tonight anyway

Warner Bros. has released the latest trailer for Geostorm, the Gerald Butler film that personifies the term “man-made climate change.”

This looks like a stupid , fun popcorn movie !

Am I taking crazy pills? Zoom is referring to the blurb under “Spider-Man Homecoming 2" which includes a direct quote from Kevin Feige about the untitled 4th Avengers movie being the end of a 22-film arc.

Marvel has nobody nearly as famous as WW, and their most popular ones are over on the fox movie yes they need some other heroes in her movie to ensure it is sucesful

“not diluting the MCU’s first female lead movie with one of the male heroes.”

Talking about Dr Who and Thirteen in the same sentence...

DC thing. Since like a loooong time ago.

Here’s the sales data on The Mighty Captain Marvel for 2017:

Yes, end. You may just want to reread his sentence or look up what “arc” means.

Speaking with the Australian news outlet, Robert Downey, Jr. revealed he plans to retire from playing Iron Man “before it’s embarrassing.”

There will only ever be one captain marvel for me

Comics should push the boundaries of taste, especially on a series like this where the whole point is to shine a light on ugliness. Not a fan of hysteria-induced self-censorship.

Presented without context? It’s not plastered on a bumper sticker or a billboard, it’s on the cover of a graphic novel. You know, the thing you read to find out what that cover is all about? What do you want, a friendly bubble that says “Hey idiot, this is bad, we think this is bad, and in this comic we talk about

Beth, the term is “hanged.” Meat or laundry is “hung,” people are “hanged.”

Yay, censorship, I love it.