Not a Troll

The weapon caused immediate physical sensations including nausea, headaches and hearing loss.

I found it quite a few years back when I first made this account just by doing a Google image search for “Pie ‘oh’ Pah”

Does this mean that io9 is going to get back to talking about about sci fi now?

More like....

You are a pathetic individual.

“My baby Black Widow”

He’s still no Soledad O’Brien. There’s an overwhelming chance that if I click to follow someone I can glance off to the left she’ll be smiling back at me from the Followers You Know.

True. But I was young, and Marina Sirtis in her various outfits was usually enough to get me past all that.

I’m apparently the one person who doesn’t give a shit about Grave of the Fireflies. I think maybe I was just exposed to way too much hype before I finally saw it, but when it was over my reaction was, “Is that it?” I love films that are bleak, sad, depressing, and even schmaltzy tearjerkers. But that did nothing

Should’ve made it a three-pack with Threads and Testament for maximum 80's pants-shitting greatness.

I am so, so wary, and I am going to be so heartbroken if it’s bad.

I mean, it’s not really like it’s edgier than the original, right? That song started off pretty dark.

boring story, bad novel given a sjw makeover is still a boring story, pass.

I disagree. Don’t want to abuse you, but the remake is less edgy than the original pop song.

Never got through the book as a kid and then forgot it was a thing for a few decades so... really this trailer could have nothing to do with the book/story and I’d never know.

i really hate to say this, but this doesn’t look good. it looks like it was all shot on a single greenscreen.

A sudden drop in HBO subscriptions.