Nice virtue signalling. No one doesn’t respect women MMA fighters.
Nice virtue signalling. No one doesn’t respect women MMA fighters.
Whiney pseudo-intellectual bloggers are worse
At least Mook gets paid good money for being a complete hack whats your excuse Hamilton?
Lets also not forget the Clinton campaign elected Donna Brazille Al Gores failed campaign manager turned CNN Pundit turned fired CNN Pundit to run the DNC after it was revealed the DNC rigged the Primary to help her out. Seriously its amazing how easy it is to fail upwards in Washington.
Paid Political Hacks Are Scum. In other news, water is wet and the sky is often blue. Film at 11.
shut the fuck up
This notion that a place like Oregon (4 out of 10 voters went Trump) is so much more enlightened than some “backwater” place like Ohio (5 of 10 for Trump) is silly and not to be taken seriously.
He’s just like his boss: can’t win an election, but can get rich giving revolting speeches afterwards.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that a Clinton acolyte is enriching himself at the expense of the nation.
Most of them, I presume, consider themselves good people, and they probably care about various causes, and they think that they work hard and “add value” and earn their paychecks. It would be quite interesting to know how they square that self-conception with the much uglier image the protesters have of them.