Not a Troll

It’s like you’ve never read a comic book before and are also not aware that they’re not real.

Having read more than a few of your comments that’s hardly surprising. You’re a fucking idiot.

Still better than you no matter what he’s done.

Oh no! Poor little guy. I touched a nerve. I’m just me, champ. Noone else. I wouldn’t say I’m special though.... just better than you. Which is admittedly a low bar to clear. You’re still the asshole that follows himself, and now I’m guessing that those other accounts you follow are you also, aren’t they? Wildly

Nah. The whole thread is just you being an asshole just for the sheer sake of being an asshole and not being as knowledgeable you imagine you are. I’m sure it’s not the first time you’ve been told any of this. Hardly surprising for someone who actually follows themselves.

Nah. You’re the insufferable douche here, champ.

14. Charlie Jane is coming back and going to clean house. The clickbait and outrage pieces will be gone. Lauren, Meredith, Robbie, and Vincze will all come with her.