Not a Troll

I always liked to imagine that circumstances worked out so that married Al was still with Project Quantum Leap and helping Sam on his future adventures.

You realize they’re that wealthy because they know how to properly run a business, and what you’re suggesting is just the opposite?

Riverwood’s version of Archie is a perfect visual description for how the CW fucks up everything that could be great, instead we just get Meh

Why not call for none comic book fans to buy these comics? Your articles keeps acting like Marvel will somehow decide to be a moral force in the world but that is not how things work. Want the comics to succeed? Get the none fans who care about this stuff to buy the comics and create a momentum that then allows the

Every single episode. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Sam could not have fixed the past and leapt on to the next without ziggy and Al who he never saw again after god became a bar tender. Did he leap on from life to life, striving to put right which once went wrong? Yes. For one leap. Then without Ziggy telling him what or who to

There’s nothing organic about the diversity agenda being shoved down everyones throat.

It supports the agenda-driven coverage of this once decent site.

Your “points” are not 2 points but the same point. Folks didn’t like the comics. Folks haven’t liked many of the new comics. Want to change publishing? Buy their shit.

I see what you are trying to say, but as a business, Marvel doesn’t have the luxury of pleasing a minority population. If the majority of you customers are not buying something, it gets the shaft. Bottom line. You’re living in a world of what you want, but not a world of what actually works. Sorry...I really do

It’s awesome that he gets to continue to right wrongs. But it comes at an undeniably high cost. To fix his best friend’s life he has to sacrifice the very thing he spent the previous five years hoping to achieve. And as the bartender tells him, he’ll be doing much harder leaps, and he’ll be doing it without that

Yeah, there are so many shows I have ‘let’ slip by unwatched, only because they might get cancelled mid-run. Just like the other article on here today about The Black Panther getting cut, someone raised an excellent point about releasing titles and testing the waters with a mini-series approach, similarly, I like the

Pietz is such an underrated actress. She was the only reason I ever watched what my roommates and I called Caroline in the Shitty.

Boy, you said it.

On the one hand, they’re a company in the business of selling comics to make money. If, for some reason, a book isn’t selling, it makes sense a publisher would consider bringing it to an end.

Marvel is a business first and a social champion distant 7th.

How many of the SJW’s currently crying in their bowl of frosted snowflakes here actually went out and bought the book?

The concept was great. The lineup was great. The execution was heavy handed and just plain bland.