The wage was quoted at US$1.40/day. I used 7 day weeks to get the maximum.
The wage was quoted at US$1.40/day. I used 7 day weeks to get the maximum.
It is a very good thing, but still woefully inadequate, since tragically it only amounts to around US$70,000 for all those people. I did the math...and it made me sad ($60 per person.)
They have six, at least when they are living in France. The Internet told me so.
I am so old I remember when Cher wore that exact same hairdo (wigdo?), but un-ironically. Urgh.
"Lip Spread" sounds like a fake problem that some really expensive plastic surgeon tries to foist on his female clients.
Does a French-Chinese dictionary translate "Jissbon" as jizz happy? If not, that's a really odd name for a condom.
First clue they were fake: the 4" long Magnum XL
I'm pretty sure current Mayor David Bing has already been trounced by mayoral candidate Mo Google.
You work with ALL those cancer organizations but were never moved to comment prior to this one situation which just happens to proceed trying to sell a movie that doesn't have a distributor yet at Cannes? Okey dokey.
Japan: always a role model for propriety regarding women.
Did you just discover Jezebel? Or did no previous articles about breast cancer here interest you? Your burner account "carrotsr" has only these two comments. The IMDB page for the movie has 37 votes, 20 of which (70%) give it a perfect "10". Yahoo, interestingly, has only one vote, which gave it a 1 out of 5…
Having a film publicist promote their (coming soon!) movie in a comment on a story about a film star having a grave health crisis (and resolution, the article's third act is fantastic) is more meta than I can comfortably deep throat. Bonus points for creeping in here in the middle of the night. Googling every repost…
Her job is to look like Drew Barrymore.
I appreciate your sense of snow (jobs).
Exactly my point. A mother is a mother is a mother. I just hate that term. Like calling women "females," there is something pejorative in the term itself. But it was an epic comment fail. My bad.
I don't buy cards, so this is a serious question: are there cards for Baby Mamas? If not, I have a Kickstarter to attend to. And I could have TWO Kardashian spokesladies! Wooo!
I wish you hadn't used a photo of Rachel Zoes in her little black dre.
As an internet commenter, I am unfamiliar with these concepts of being self-absorbed or drawing attention to oneself.
I didn't watch the video, but if the lady on the right is pregnant then this is HUGE.