"Pilots never hook up with flight attendants."
"Pilots never hook up with flight attendants."
At Ellis Island they would have simply shortened it to "Feltherup" and sent them on their merry way.
Hi stacy,
Totally agree. I have never read an article about hockey before, but this was interesting from beginning to end.
Right now I hate you for making that comment and reminding me that Gawker commenters used to make me laugh out loud with frequency.
I don't know about France, Greg, but in America some people find white men in salmon trousers incredibly interesting. Even possibly obsession-worthy.
I've considered DentonFucksForClicks and DentonsCaymansAccount, but I'm enjoying my non-grey commenter status too much. Nice to meet you.
Hey dude, this is OT so I didn't want to spam a current article thread, but you starred one of my comments and I saw your screen name is "Mike"! You must have been commenting since on Gawker since 1882. Amazing. Rock on bro, rock on.
What if my friends take me out partying tonight and when I get home at 2am I have an epiphany that my entire life I've been a drunk expat writer?
Seacrest is that really cute free puppy you bring home and play with constantly the first day, but then you find out he has worms and he poops absolutely everywhere.
I thought in America they called that service a "dating site."
I'd bet anything the tour guide does a wicked DeNiro imitation for you:
The first one, Olivia, is half-black. I paid close attention because she is beyond adorable and had a terrific sense of humor combined with good self-esteem and a healthy world outlook. Plus great personal office style. I notice all the important things.
I worked with men in Federal prison who counted "number of baby mamas/kids" as their only present or future act of distinction as a man. The champ was a 27 year old with 19 children. It was both fucked up and sad in virtually equal proportions. If we continue to uphold policies (and politicians) who support an…
Possibly he considered his interview with Federer a supposedly fun thing that he would never do again?
I spent years going to HK for biz about once a month, but was married so I never had need of them. Thanks for the great explanation. Now that you write that, I think "of course."
EpheMEral faMEwhore MEMEs will pass in a moMEnt of tiME.
That looks like mucho fun. Human and interesting but not saccharine. Probably a very solid effort and result for a first time director/actor. Plus I love when they use Scarlett to her strengths. So often she is just screen candy. I have Milk Duds for that.
Do you know what the maximum sentence he could receive is? Because for once I am rooting for "consecutive" not "concurrent."