
Shitakes are grown on oak logs or sawdust. Not poop. Portobello mushrooms are mostly grown on mulch made from straw, corncobs, and gypsum.

Or you take the high speed shots of other skaters out of context and it looks like a bethesda game

Is your company funded with taxpayer dollars?

I don’t care if he flies business, but he has a history of making really wasteful travel decisions.

That’s private sector. Government employees, at least the rank and file, when on official business are required to use the cheapest travel accommodations possible. If he wanted to fly first class, he should have stayed in the private sector.

1) for international travel there is often a different between business and First class;

Please. Only $1.3 million? I don’t think they let you IN to the Bahamas with that little.

Never played Dead Space but all that sounds reasonable. I think it’s ok for a final boss to break the mould, as long as it remains enjoyable in its own right.

I totally agree. I think it definitely felt like it belonged there and like Isaac had come a long way since the beginning of the game.

It says right in said article that they wouldn’t deny coverage to a game based solely upon the political beliefs of its creator. I find this commendable, even though I find Vávra himself entirely objectionable.

It’s not video games and politics. It’s gambling and politics. And don’t be dramatic, it’s asking an organization to focus on a particular area of their existing scope, not storming the halls of Capital Hill.

yeah, to me it felt like a final culmination of everything up to that point.

While I agree with the analysis that this last fight breaks from the rest of the game, I don’t necessarily think it is misplaced and let me say why. The whole game of fighting in corridors and fleeing from un-killable enemies, instills this sense of foreboding. You as a player come to expect the jump scares, the grabs

I much preferred the first game’s more open levels, but DS2 was mechanically superior.

doesn’t write sex scenes or use actual four-letter words in his books

If you’re a parent, do you risk having a meltdown or do you get your child what’s most appealing to them?

But this is no ordinary family, and this act of adolescent rebellion is not at all what you expect... and neither is what happens next.

Right, because everyone wants to drive a beater and spend their weekends in the garage elbow deep in the engine bay. There is a balance to be struck here, between incurring debt and having a fun, reliable car.

Rahm was Obama’s Chief of Staff during his first term, and anyone worth their political salt would say that alone pretty much puts him in the DC Hall of Fame.

Rahm is a tremendous figure on the national and local level.