
So you have a movie about a dude trying to kill cute little rabbits, but it’s a bridge too far when the rabbits try to kill the dude? That’s how nature works. It’s kill or be killed, children. The sooner you learn that the sooner, you can get over your allergies and make those allergies work for you (okay, not really).

Because the show runners really do listen to people. And because they’re apparently writing and producing the show weekly.

Of course, maybe if people weren’t constantly bitching about how this show isn’t “their” Star Trek (entitled much?), maybe the showrunners wouldn’t have felt the need to have the ship in there or wrap the storyline up in a neat little kumbaya package.

They were pretty definitely always going to do this.

You’re looking at about a 10MPG highway difference, not insignificant.

“Because, as many viewers have pointed out, the nudity in Altered Carbon can be distracting.” - If that is the case you need to get out more, real life is full off nudity. It should not shock or distract you when you see it on film, like a 13 year old boys muttering boobies and snickering. Nudity swearing and blood

Maybe because they expect their constitutional rights would be upheld.

I totally get all of that. My point wasn’t that wanting to administer aid was a rational policy, but rather that our sole reason for defining them as the enemy is that they have nukes.

That is your take. Mine is that it was a cheap shocker move. Haha, look what you have done, foolish man! You could have waited a minute longer, haha! You are now broken beyond repair! Oh the irony!

Yeah, The Mist ending is fantastic. It sounds like the author put it on the worst simply because she didn’t like it.

destroyed me in the theatre. i may have actually yelled ‘no!’ like i was darth vader.

The only thing I didn’t like about that ending (I mean it was unlikable but in a ballsy, dreadful way) was the music. As soon as I heard that tone, I knew it was Host of the Seraphim, and it felt out of place; desolate silence would have been better.

First of all, the whole point of this article’s “gotcha!” own is that it’s using Pence’s own dumb “logic” against him.

Right? So what if he didn’t stand for the anthem of a country that he feels doesn’t respect him or those that look like him? How else would you create change in the world without a brave man like Mike Pence, who literally saved the world from nuclear annihilation with a look, taking a knee for things he believes in?

Hello mother. Last time I checked, the games are in SK.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

Fuck that literal mother fucker

It's exactly like a cheesesteak, except that the meat for a cheesesteak gets stir-fried in oil on a griddle, and is properly served piled high with grilled onions. Italian beef is boiled in a well-seasoned au jus, and best served with hot giardinera.

Pequod's is great. Most locals don't really eat deep dish unless they're entertaining visitors, but if you gotta do deep dish that's the place to go. Their "regular" pizza is awesome too.

Not a Chicago native but as a semi-frequent visitor, my must-stop, best of the best Chicago deep dish pizza choice is always Pequad's. The less dense, caramelized crust there is incredible, and it's so much more laid back than the zoos that are Lou Malnati/Giordano's/Uno.