
I’m not sure what negotiations you’ve been party to but you usually go back and forth a while to reach a compromise instead of straight to a frivolous 10 million dollar lawsuit after the first figure is thrown out.

He literally was asked how much, told them how much, and was immediately hit with a lawsuit. No negotiations. They lowballed him and expected him to roll over when sued, and he didn’t. Good on him and shame on people like you telling him to roll over.

Agreed. The whole point of a final boss fight is for the culmination, not continuation of the status quo. It’s supposed to break the mold and be a spectacle that fully showcases your acquired skills and experience. To that end the final boss of Dead Space was nearly perfect.

1. Mistborn is straight up cheap easy YA fiction, and was never meant to be anything else. Pretty sure he churns those out because of the easy cash. Fully expect a poor Maze Runner-like adaptation of it soon.

Hopefully this franchise will feel the same sting 343i did when they made their boneheaded decision and will also return couch co-op in future versions.

Incredibly sad. Couch co-op was the main reason I played almost every single game in this franchise. From the sound of the review it’d make this game better too since solo killing the same faceless minions over and over gets boring alone. Two completely OP characters competing for most kills was a good time. RIP.

This curved screen fascination of Samsung needs to die. It makes the phone more fragile, harder to protect, and far more expensive to insure/repair without adding anything more than a useless gimmick factor.

Slow is fine, and usually the smarter play in TT since it will reduce your footprint sound to non-existent while allowing to to hear others. Slow and in first person aim is not. Never aim unless someone is there (or you are scope peaking) as not taking full use of peaking in third person is literally killer.

I’m sure that will come as news to everyone else in Chicago that, without any controversy, classifies Pequod’s as REAL deep dish pizza (most often known as the best deep dish, for good reason). I will be sure to tell them that Skipskatte said they’ve been wrong for decades and should be ashamed.

Almost one of the best endings ever BUT it went for way too much shock factor at the end and ended up being more absurd than bleak. Between radio broadcast and the actual incredibly load sound of a tank caravan there is no way they wouldn’t have known. Then throwing in the incredibly annoying woman being alive in

It’s been confirmed there is no co-op of any form in DW9, which is a damn shame. The DW series has been known as one of THE couch co-op series for a long time and was a favorite of many for that reason. This is as much of a mistake as Halo 5 dropping local co-op and will hurt DW in a similar fashion.

Spiderman 1 and 2 were great - by Sony

There doesn’t need to be an origin story. A few tidbits like Homecoming had is all that is needed, as it showed Superhero movies do not need an hour wasted on rehashing origin stories.

If you are baffled then you have never read the comics, played the games, or watched the animation. Venom and Carnage were the best things that ever came out of Spiderman.

Yeah I’m pretty sure a hell of a lot of people care since Venom and Carnage are the best things that ever came out of Spiderman. Even now Venom is a very popular character in comics while there are a bazillion different Spiderpeople no one really cares about.

I’d say it, and even showed her evolving more, did BUT it was a slow burn and less dramatic. You see her go from innocent and self0righteous, to scared and broken from Snoke playing her, to growing more confident after turning down Kylo, and then accepting it all and using the force to save the resistance. Luke went

I’d say she lost a lot more than a hand. Kylo became the new Sith Lord and ruler of the First Order BECAUSE she went to help him. Kylo also had his ‘hand’ moment when Luke schooled him and allowed the rebellion to survive.

Two points about the previous two Sith Lords for everyone upset about Snoke.

The reminded us constantly how irreplaceable the biggest flagships were, by both sides. Hell the opening bombing run screamed it at us. She was trying to find a way to save their biggest ship AND the people. When she realized she couldn’t she chose the people.

“If Snoke is so powerful, how did he not feel the lighsaber moving?”