
People fighting on principles that they could have lived on fine by forsaking is what built most of the fundamental rules of fairness in this country, from civil rights law the very squatters to consumer protections. Honestly while he may wish he’d just taken the money, the man is a martyr worthy of praise for what he

Or neither. Don’t forget neither.

I’ve been following this story for several years, and Nissan’s ridiculous behavior towards this guy has single handedly kept me off of their car lots.

Really? The huge ass Bat marker blinking isnt enough to tell where to go or that the quest text saying what to do?

I’m confused. I thought all objectives were laid out pretty clearly in all of the games. What about it is unclear?

Huh. Really? I actually was impressed with how Alfred always reminds you what your mission goal is when you re-select a mission from the mission wheel.

uh, not true at all?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. That is easily the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

Actually the link is from a University of Washington research study, here’s a Mashable article (I know not the best source, but it was a real study), here is the Twitter account of one of the authors (she seems to promote mainly left leaning articles herself)

The paper actually seems interesting, and needs actual attention. But I’m at work and can only glance through it. But my initial impressions are it is talking about the amount of trolling and troll accounts. There may have been more troll accounts supporting or riling up BLM and other left side activity. But the right

A HEAVILY recut and repaced final arc could make it better. Take the 150 chapter + arc and push it into 24 episodes. Cut out all the stupid pointless filler and then add in some of the things people actually want and know what it could be an enjoyable conclusion to Bleach. Also have it fade to black after the battle,

But would you?

I’m just flabbergasted by this turn. These Boomer’s parents would be fucking horrified their children are metaphorically sucking Russia’s dick happily and willingly.

See, I dismissed your reply and will dismiss any more from you. You expressed yourself, I heard your thoughts, and decided I didn’t want to listen to it. If I don’t let you into my house so you can offer your opinions to me am I suppressing your expression? You can express yourself all you want, but I don’t have to

private corporations like Facebook and Twitter? (yes, I understand the limits of the First Amendment, but let’s not pretend that these corporations are not publicly subsidized

Yes, if you are a conservative you are being targeted, by Russia.

When did it become politically acceptable to accept aid from Communists?

It’s not policing of freedom of speech. Twitter is a private platform, with terms of service everyone agrees to when they sign up. Violating those terms of service allows them to suspend or delete the account.

Thoughts and prayers

I just want my Malazan TV series.