I'm a human you're a bear!

My parents used to go out for a drive together in the evenings starting when I was about 8-9 years old and they would leave me for half an hour or so.  But in my memory, Unsolved Mysteries was always on at that time and, being an idiot, I watched it.  That was a terrifying show.

The hospital recommended stool softeners after birth, because it is so scary to poop afterward.  

This does not have enough stars.

I had to go read that passage to believe it.  And she wants gratitude and appreciation from Americans for that sacrifice!  WHAT

Homemade padsicles are pretty great and easy to make. 

Is he gone?!?  NOOOOOOOO

My husband and I got married super quick and he had waaayy more money than I did. We’re happily married 8 years later but the other day I told him he was crazy not to ask for a pre-nup. Sometimes I also think he could have turned out to be a serial killer. What were we thinking? Crazy kids.


And a potato face.

He is the only one who insisted on royal titles for his kids, too. Anne’s kids have no titles and Edward’s kids are a Lord and a Lady. Andrew seems high-maintenance.

Axis and Allies was WWII. In WWI it was the Triple Entente and Central Powers.

Last year I got so scared that when I came out of the bathroom and saw my husband lurking in the kitchen (I thought he was upstairs) I screamed and crumpled on to the floor.  Crumpled.  

My golden-retriever nephew is named Lenny and he is also a big dumb sweetheart!



I’m worried that it won’t happen now that Madeleine has left.  I’M SCARED!

I’m Canadian and I love this story.  The next time I hear a Canadian song I hate (like Taking Care of Business, for instance) I’m going to blame it on Bryan Adams.


I really can’t stand Damian Lewis’ mouth.  It’s the worst.

And they have a brother named Braison.  BRAISON.