But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.
But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus.
Milk ducks does having me giggling though. Am considering changing it back.
Yeah, my library doesn’t have it yet. It’s on order and already reserved till whenever. I don’t buy books much anymore so maybe I’ll treat myself to one.
To be fair, European cars are pretty small on average.
Also, You’re a peein’.
I couldn’t help myself.
From what I understand about them, it has to do with medical abortions. You take two pills on different days and if you don’t take the second pill abortion won’t (might not? I’m a little fuzzy here) occur. So these crisis clinics claim to give you a pill to stop the abortion, but it really doesn’t do anything at all.
But she’s really not though. Much like Phyllis Schlafly, if she were really the wife she claimed to be, she’d be at home 24/7 with no job and no other reason to live than her husband, kids, and religion while obeying his every command.
Hahahaha. Cheers to you two! I’m engaged right now and planning an wedding for August. We’ll have been together for 2.5 year by then. Though we’ll have known each other about 5 years, every once and a while I think to myself this is kinda crazy!
If you’re trying to escape scandals involving children, women or animals, I do NOT recommend high-tailing it for Amish country.
Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol.
My family goes back generations at the Naval Academy. And that’s service to your country, so I would push back on that part of it because my grandfather, great-grandfather, my brothers all served their country.
“I just look at legal”
Trying to understand the latest vaguely defined “cyber” threat that your local PTA is worked up about is the real Momo Challenge.
The comments on this is everything.
Full bloom, half mast.
Kindergartners shopping at Tiffany would make a perfect commercial for higher marginal tax rates. Much higher.
Please show this story to anyone who says that the 70% AOC tax on the rich is too high.
Diana Mitford Guiness Mosley did. She remained a lovely Fascist until the day she died.
Not really a pop song or outdated but I wouldn’t mind seeing Roxy Music’s “More than this” get a second life on top-40 radio (similar to Bohemian Rhaspody and the Weezer cover of Toto’s Africa).