I'm a human you're a bear!

Weeping openly on the bus is the perfect description of Atonement. I just got a copy of it for my sister and said: “This book destroyed me, you should read it!”

I just read this book last week! That is all I have to add to this discussion.

I was going to say the same thing. It really captures how you feel. I’m so glad I’m done having babies.

Nick Offerman just stole my heart - yet again.

My brother-in-law doesn’t think she’s attractive either, but is in love with Beyoncé. It’s really baffling to me. They’re both beautiful, but like, Rihanna’s face is objectively aesthetically pleasing. Beauty is subjective, blah blah blah, but seriously, that is a stunningly beautiful face.

I was just telling my kids about the chocolate bar skit the other day

Oh my God you are SO RIGHT

I married my husband after nine months of dating too! We’ve been married seven years now and it’s great but the other day I was like what was I thinking? He could have been a serial killer.

It’s the sex that Jesus doesn’t see

My my my my GOD NOOO

Hot merging action!

My niece plays hockey and she wears a neck guard so as not to get her throat slit.

Aw, poor girl. That sucks.

Now you’re just pulling my leg

NO. I love this.

Irishbeth?! IRISHBETH


I love that story. And Decca is definitely my favourite. What a badass she was.

Oh heck yeah, I love Mary Lovell’s The Sisters. I devoured that book. And then I went on a crazy Mitford bender afterwards. I think my husband was concerned.

I loved that book. The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore is also really good.