I'm a human you're a bear!

I just sat on my couch with my jaw on the floor for ages after that episode. Michael McKean deserves every award.

My three-year-old son loves all things cars, and so I let him watch the long scene of Mike taking his car apart looking for the tracker, but then I had to tell him not to tell anyone that Mommy let him watch Better Call Saul. So far he hasn’t spilled it.

I am legitimately in love with Bob Odenkirk.

It’s Breaking Bad good. It’s a different show (I’ve heard people say that it’s Greek tragedy vs. Breaking Bad’s Shakespearean tragedy) but it’s just stellar.

I couldn’t believe he wasn’t nominated. His acting in Chicanery and the finale were breathtaking. I love Jonathan Banks but that nomination should have gone to McKean this season.

I love this story. Thank you.

Ugh, that makes my heart ache. I had PPD and luckily it was treated quickly and effectively with meds and I was able to enjoy my baby and toddler, but I had some horrible thoughts and totally understand why women take their lives. What a tragedy.

She is so great.

ARGH! That is terrible! My parents were super into The Secret for a while and I told them that one of the things I hated about it was that it was so victim-blamey. They didn’t agree, of course, but it really made me angry. I’m sorry that happened to you. How awful.

I’ve heard they are very expensive and also impossible to wash, hence the grossness. But yes, that is very strange re. the judges being less fancy.

My sister is a Crown attorney (in Canada) and she is always going on about how happy she is that Crowns don’t have to wear gross, sweaty wigs like they still do in Australia and (I think) New Zealand. The long gowns are hot enough here in summer.

We’ve had a George VI already

This photo just sends my love of Ryan Reynolds through the roof. I’ve never been a huge fan but this photo is everything.

I totally get what you mean by seeming old. I went to a French high school in Canada and they played her music over the school radio all the time and she seemed SO old and lame* then, and she’s only 11 years older than me, so she would have been in her mid-twenties then.

My husband has a big nose and he hates it. He doesn’t like to be photographed from the side because of it. But I love it. It looks great on him. Big noses are awesome.

I’m very generic looking (people always think they’ve seen me before/I’m someone else) BUT I have lots of mad hula hooping skills so I’ve got that going for me. Take that, Grandma!

I got some serious gross vibes from him at the time but was too distracted by the ridiculously mockable Dare to Dream signature that I was totally shocked when I found out. So disturbing.

I am so jealous of all you redheads. I have mousy brown hair and my ginger grandmother was so disappointed in me.


I told this story elsewhere, but I met a parole officer (I needed a guest speaker for my crim class) and he signed his emails with “Dare to Dream” in a fancy font. He was later convicted of sexually assaulting his female clients! Red flag is right.