That’s an APC, not a tank.
That’s an APC, not a tank.
Hotter than Hansel.
Think of it this way: A large part of being a gamer is playing games with other people. If you have a partner and fellow gamer, you would naturally want to be able to share your love of games with them, and especially to be able to play with them. It’s a very basic desire to want to be able to enjoy activities…
The one the dealer puts on when you buy your new car/truck.
It’s too bad we can’t see it.
You were then a Cabin Man.
Are you saying that a massive percentage of this country, the people who label themselves Republicans, are all as grotesque and unlikable as Ted Cruz? You can’t possibly be saying that and believing it. Gawker is the undisputed mothership of liberal snark, but this statement is just too much – even for this platform.
Massive group-text debate going on right now. When it’s time to masturbate, are you a Stander or Sitter?
A shit load of energy, until they have to clean their rooms. Little shits.
There’s a small midwestern city my family would go to from time-to-time that had two businesses of note: A Krapohl’s and an Assman’s. Krapohl’s insisted it was pronounced “Cray-poles” and Assman’s was “Ahz-mins”.
This is a nuanced and well informed analysis. So, that said, tell me-
I once had a short-term roommate who was a big gamer. That had never been part of my life, so it was all pretty illuminating.
Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an…
Say nothing, unless specificaly asked.
I was 17 and found a beautiful, shiny 1987 Dodge Daytona “Pacifica” edition with the 2.2 Turbo at a small used car lot that could have been used in a movie about sketchy car lots. The sales guy had khaki shorts, socks with sandals and the typical golf shirt in “I’m going to screw you” pastel yellow.
Also, do not buy generic facial tissues or toilet paper. These are some sensitive areas you’re wiping, and the extra doubloons are 100% worth it.