Did Bush destroy America in the literal sense or the “Buzzfeed needs clicks” sense?
Did Bush destroy America in the literal sense or the “Buzzfeed needs clicks” sense?
You gotta figure he knows what he’s talking about, right?
What if your shirt has a placket button? That little bastard will change your sleeve-rolling technique in a hurry.
IF part of her claim against Marriott is that its negligence harmed her in such a way that it affected her career (and what little I know about the case comes from skipping over headlines online), this line of questioning would be completely relevant.
OK, now I’m horrified by the fact that not only is there a plunger on Amazon.com that retails for over $30, but over 250 people have purchased this plunger and felt compelled to review it.
This seems like the sort of thing that you could get away with once before the rest of the GM’s in the league start putting you at the bottom of the trading-partner list. Assuming I’m correct, why pull out your one-use trick on this trade?
“Self-loathingly liberal?” You have a very different impression about the political media than I do. I don’t think any major political commenter loathes him/herself for being liberal. I think they consider their political stances refreshingly normal.
Well, you will die at some point and there almost certainly will be costs associated with that event. I’d say the hedge of buying a small life insurance when you’re young is a different example than buying a car on the off chance you might need it 10 years from now.
I’m not sure if it was the flight attendant or a company-wide thing, but when I flew Southwest on Valentine’s Day, the woman sitting in my row ordered wine as her in-flight beverage and got a second one free. Unfortunately, I don’t really fly enough or order alcohol on board when I do fly to luck into those sorts of…
It’s not “incredibly mediocre.” Check the results from the LA Marathon the day after the trials; Barnicle’s time would have put him in the top 12-13% of his age group and all male finishers.
You win the internet today.
Maybe someday I’ll be able to trust myself enough to put together a marathon plan and then actually stick to it. Granted, that plan will never involve “5:40" unless that’s when my alarm will go off, but I can still hope.
Wait, the reason this children’s show sucks is that it actually doesn’t suck? I’m losing my faith in humanity.
I have a few dozen paperback books that I’ve acquired over the years; I consider myself likely to re-read most of them, but I’m not getting rid of any of them until I get the Kindle edition first. Hopefully that will happen before I have to pack them up and move again.
OK, I’m going to be that pedantic asshole. Matt (and anyone else that commented on Matt’s story with tales of their similar heroism) didn’t barter for anything. He/They haggled on the price. Barter is not simply paying less than the sticker price. Just ask the motorheads over at Jalopnik.
Any truth to the arguments I’ve seen out there that alcohol slows your metabolism?
Did you do a spit take with your coffee before taking the pictures? What happened with that picture of the dash?
OK, who thought it was a good idea to put those bloody u-turns in the course? I hate those when I have to deal with them.
Not sure about federal law, but chances are the dealer’s state has a consumer fraud law that could support a lawsuit. Some states’ statutes on the subject don’t even require the consumer/sucker to have actually relied on the lie(s) as long as the seller intended for that reliance to happen. So if this dealer slapped…
The second is the ultra-thin A and B pillars, relics from a different era of safety standards.