I guarantee you there is no way on this Earth I will get those initial horizontal slices to line up properly. I can barely slice an orange peel without ending up in a different place than I started.
I guarantee you there is no way on this Earth I will get those initial horizontal slices to line up properly. I can barely slice an orange peel without ending up in a different place than I started.
How do you know that's her actual job? If you do know, shouldn't you have said that in your article rather than using the phrase "in our estimation," which leads the reader to believe that you're assuming that's her job based on nothing more than the website?
Jesus. People called AJ Pierzynski a huge flopper after Game 4, but this is even more blatant.
I do recall there being something about the solar-energy collectors' potential use as weapons being part of it, but that seems like a pretty flimsy reason if the US doesn't actually have any of those up and running when the game starts.
Does anyone know if the Australian version of this movie is any good? It's been sitting in my Netflix streaming list for like a year and I haven't gotten around to watching it.
I had that game back in the 80's, but never convinced any of my friends to play it. They were more interested in Axis & Allies. I would have liked it if the game gave you some sort of backstory for why the whole world wanted to invade the US.
If you want to get people hammered without them noticing the vodka too much, use the same flavor of vodka and Jello. Stoli Mandarin and orange Jello fit together very well, and your guests will all wonder why they're on the floor before the game even starts.
While I appreciate the effort, telling me that I look good at mile 23 is a bald-faced lie. I'm pretty sure I look like death on toast by then.
They do. And runners have the right to be annoyed by people that think they're funny by yelling "Almost there!" while standing by the first water table of a marathon.
"Could be ham, could be peaches!" My all-time go-to movie quote for this situation.
Thanks for the review. I've never been a big IPA drinker, but on the fairly rare occasion I drink one, I'll know to stay away from a beer that sounds like it's just a casserole of flavors in a beer bottle.
Would that raise end up paying them more than you thought their services were worth?
There's paying someone the accurate perceived value of the service(s) they provide, and then there's paying more than that. I'd consider the second situation to be "giving money away." Are you in the habit of paying more than what you're quoted for work on your car?
It's entirely likely that I've confused the two. I'm not terribly familiar with the rules of either sport.
The end zone starts at the front of the white line, so the play's "over" once the player controls the ball and gets to the front of that line. I don't really see any difference between a touchdown and a regular play aside from what it takes for the ball to be ruled dead. Would you prefer something like Australian…
I'm pretty sure world records are based solely on gun time.
You think so? I wish I could be that optimistic. Maybe concussions are just a special case, but I don't see how the ref could be allowed to (in essence) "eject" a player for injury reasons without some fairly clear rule behind him. Would such a decision be reviewable in-game, or would it be like a penalty (and…
Moral responsibilities aside, is there anything in the rulebook that allows an official to prohibit a player from re-entering the game for more than a play? There probably should be, but my limited knowledge of the NCAA rules is coming up dry.
What, no one does the Carlton on Madden?
No, but it's not like the odds are in favor of there being November baseball in Chicago. Hell, having games played in October could be a stretch for the next few years.