
So, they were really more mad about the anti-Israel tweets than the anti-Semetic tweets, huh? Like, any stick to beat a horse; and I’m glad they found her out. But this group doing the hunts doesn’t sound too savory, either.

The woman is clearly an antisemite, her comments were disgusting and the hospital was right to fire her. But calling the Canary Mission “a pro-Israel site that tracks anti-Semitism” is like calling the KKK “a social club which advocates for downtrodden Caucasian-Americans.” It’s a hate group which primarily targets

Canary Mission, a pro-Israel site that tracks anti-Semitism

While this person obviously is an anti-semite. Can we please refrain from taking canary mission as a serious source, they have smeared pro-Palestinian activists for years and continue to create a culture of fear among activists.

please refer to this intercept article about the canary mission.

How’s about you go back to masturbating into a sock, or whatever it is that you dumbfuck trolls do? Guaranteed it’ll produce better content than this stupid-ass comment. 

He is not in jail, not awaiting trial and not accused of rape. So not sure how he got “Weinsteined”

What project of Asia Argento’s is being lauded here? Who is stanning for her?

“ if Mack is guilty, the argument runs, then Scientology must be, too.”

Just imagine Fox if one of the troops had lifted the uniform to display an “I’m With Her” shirt underneath. They’d be begging for a war with Iran or North Korea just to send the guy there to die.

Congratulations, Frog.  You’ve been boiled.

There was a time when members of the military were pretty diligent about rules like this, even to a point of a near universal basic disdain for political shit-talkers. What happened ?

The problem is that is a continuing problem within the Trump administration — they keep on violating the Hatch Act. This isn’t an over exaggerated one off faux pas.

gotta wonder if all those front line folks had those hats or it Trump managed to bring a box or two along for tchochkes?  Hell, Trump probably had someone selling them black market behind the commissary.

If Obama had done this, Fox would be calling for him to be impeached and there would be hours of panels on roundtable shows on MSNBC and CNN where the conservative spokeholes would be screaming for Obama to resign for breaking the law and the hosts on MSNBC and CNN would be forced to shrug and say both sides do it! 

How the fuck is this not grey. 

Im sorry, did I miss the huge swell of support for Harvey Weinstein on this site?

Don’t worry, humans hate you as well.

Hope you get your money back.

Test track are supposed to demonstrate their proposed innovation. This is nothing more than a rubber-tire subway... which was first envisioned in 1846 and has been in service in various cities since the 1950s. Using a curb for guidance is also something that’s been already put in service. There is no innovation here,

So, the “future of transportation” is a narrow tunnel, traversable by a single-file column of sedans, in one direction, with a choke-point at either end in the form of an elevator?