
Not sure what you are even talking about. There was no one unfairly maligned here, because no one was actually accused. It was a fake story. There were no false suspects. There were no suspects at all. The only people arrested were the ones actually involved -- the two Nigerian brothers. So -- yeah. You make no sense.

The guys who are fixated on making me squirt are not the same guys making me cum.

The way that I feel ... stigmatized or mansplained about my sexuality is in the fact that with the rise of squirting in porn now guys want to “make me squirt.” It’s all the rage the way anal was like 10 years ago. Except I don’t do it naturally so they think that because it is a question of arousal they, with their

This reads like the push-pull of something that works and feels good for some women being turned into a requirement for other women, to the detriment of their health.

Why are 1,000 Ethiopians protesting in right now in Tel Aviv? Because the government is totally not racist?

Just because much of the opposition boycotted them (and remember, asked the UN not to send observers so that they could then declare the results fraudulent!) doesn’t mean they were illegitimate. Venezuelan voting technology and security was good — better than ours, probably! — and no one has questioned the validity of

This is the Venezuelan constitutional clause cited by the opposition:

I mean, by what metric were the elections /not/ free and fair? The opposition literally asked the UN not to send observers while it itself boycotted the election altogether to prove some kind of point. Guaido didn’t earn a single vote for president. The supreme court of venezuela ruled the election valid and the

I am sure you are being sincere, but do you have a comment on these two pictures?

The only time someone argues for “true socialism” is to try and claim that democratic socialism doesn’t count as socialism and can therefore be dismissed as a relevant example. Conservatives LOVE to duck in and out of what is or isn’t socialism depending on whether it’s successful or scary, or if they are trying to

What we should do is stay the fudge out of their business, and should have never implemented so many sanctions on the country when Venezuela walked away from US oil interests.

Or — OR — maybe we simply shouldn’t get involved in an internal political matter in a country that has a resource we’d like to exploit. Y’know, like all the other dictatorships we’re fine with because they don’t have oil.

This is a preview of what we’re going to be hearing about constantly through the 2020 election. That Venezuela = Socialist and Socialist = Bad and Democrats = Socialist so by the transitive property if you vote for the Democratic nominee it means you want America to become Venezuela. And did you know there are

Said it before, gonna say it again: Howard Schultz made a grunt load of money off of:   1) people’s addictions, and 2) parasitizing existing independently-owned coffee shops and shoving them out of the niches they had painstakingly carved out for themselves over the years.

Like what does #MeToo have to do with sleeping one’s way to the top? The two are unrelated.

Because she’s a single woman.

Tonya Lawnman, for all of her many many faults, it’s a good way to boost site engagement (via comments) and justify dat ad revenue.

Don’t disparage dogs by comparing them to Ptomaine Lahren! When my dogs have licked their balls, they’re just trying to be clean. This Tiny Liar person has little purpose for her shenanigans.