
I was sexually abused as a child. I lied about it even to sympathetic seeming people as a knee jerk and self preservation reaction. Even when I could admit some of the abuse, I would lie, deny, and hide the rest. Because people act different, look different, treat you different when you disclose. It makes you feel

As a non-American, I must disagree: he’s a planetary treasure.

There are a lot of men who jump into conversations about women being sexually assaulted with the loud proclamation that MEN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

When did I say that? You dog whistle so much you swallowed it. 

I’m honestly not sure what Phillips’s stance on the Black Hebrew Israelites is. The only statement I can find directly from him indicates that he doesn’t seem to know much about their religious ideology: “...they were saying things that I don’t know if I agreed with them or not.”

Yeah, keep in mind that even if he didn’t go to Vietnam, he was still an active service member that they are shitting all over. My dad is considered a veteran, and he never stepped foot in Vietnam. He just repaired the fucking tanks we sent over there. These people only care about veterans when they fit their narrow

You sound stupid.

Dude, the colonel has been posting nothing but contrarian shit in favor of that little fart-sniffing dignity burglar in the MAGA hat all morning. He’s a troll, probably a paid one from the FOX version of Correct The Record. Ignore the disingenuous little cunt.

So your argument is that the Catholic kids intentionally started yelling at the Black Israelites - not Phillips - and somehow knew that by doing so Phillips would inject himself into that “debate” and walk up to the kids banging his drum in their face to start a fight?

Of course it’s anti-women. What else do you call marching to strip women of rights?

The Nation of Islam is not the same as the Black Hebrew Israelites.

Both are hilarious and unhinged, but not the same

Counterprotesting? You mean the kids who went to an anti-women rally decided “hey we aren’t being shitty enough today, let’s go counterprotest a native people’s march.” Yeah, I can totally see how Phillips is the asshole in all this.

Ah, but the First Amendment only protects you from government interference in the exercise of legally protected expression (as in, you cannot go into a crowded theater and yell “fire” and not expect to be arrested).

It does NOT protect, and never has protected from public/social/civil consequences for expression

On the one hand, I am entirely unsurprised to see that it is the older, more mature individual extending forgiveness before the younger, cowardly individual thought to apologize (because an apology is, let’s face it, an admission of fault—which Sandmann was never going to make, and especially not once a PR firm was

Are you passing time until your incel meeting by posting this?

You should really get comfortable with the term “false equivalency.” It’ll save you from looking anymore like an asshole than you typically do going forward.

What a-fucking-bout this shit then? Is Samantha Guthrie going to do any follow up on her half-assedreporting”? These kids were acting like a bunch of entitled white dickheads out in a pack with minimal supervision on a field trip in a different city. Fuck these smarmy little fucks and the idiot parents covering for

“We’re a Catholic school, and it’s not tolerated. They don’t tolerate racism, and none of my classmates are racist people.

Well, Sandmann sure doesn't speak like someone who has been heavily coached on what to say. That unblinking stare just shows he's speaking from the heart.