Posted without comment (too busy gagging):
Posted without comment (too busy gagging):
Hussah! The Jimi Hendrix urban legend! I continue to propagate this at every opportunity. Thousands of them here in West London, even more down in Richmond - when huge flocks of them wheel in the sky and catch the sunlight to flash [the purest] green, t’is a magnificent sight.
Great timing as it has recently been revealed that a scheme set up over two years ago in order to resettle up to 3,000 vulnerable refugee children from conflict zones in the Middle East and North Africa has so far allowed in a mere twenty.
I see no ships
President Stinkhorn
I believe it was originally 30 talents of silver. Depending on the definition used (e.g. Roman or Babylonian) one talent was 30-32kg (approx 70lbs). Whichever way you slice it his payoff was actually a shit-ton of money. ‘Shekel’ is implicit as each talent was divided into 60 minas with each of those further…
As a Brit, I cringe every time you opine on UK politics - your regular updates were always a wretched cocktail of pablum, tripe and tepid piss. It wouldn’t surprise me that, if you have a Twitter account, it is festooned with an FBPE hashtag as you betray such tiresomely ‘moderate’, milquetoast, reflexively…
Not sure whether you’re alluding to a link between the two stories or just comparing them as similar headfucks? In trying to keep up with unfolding events in Manchester last night, I was foolish enough to take a dive in the toilet of /pol/ and many of them were actually suggesting that the attack was staged to…
Is it me or have they changed his name to Poiron? Presumably so they wouldn’t have to deal with Christie’s monumentally rapacious estate. Made me think of this though
All fun and games until someone loses an eye:
I know this is a horribly late addition to the conversation, but yes, apparently (well according to Megyn Kelly’s book) Trump also had questions in advance. All this piffle and outrage over Brazille tipping off Hillary that in Flint there’d be a question about the water crisis and yet this hardly gets any coverage?
To see the chilling effects of these groups and how they work to damage democracy and ‘liberal’ ideas, one only has to look at what they are doing across the atlantic. In the UK, their influence is cemented within the major parties (both the Conservatives and Labour have ‘Friends of Israel’ groups membership of which…
They don’t seem to get or consider that despite their win, they will be the villains in the annals of American history.
British press are pretty supine at the moment. Cartoonist Bell on the other hand:
Real refugees? Here’s one that wants to be his friend - Bana wrote to the Manchurian Tangerine before his inauguration. From the Guardian:
Cory Lewandowski was on C4 News this evening in the UK titting on in a similar vein. He talked about the Churchill bust (a story that has been debunked time and time again over the last several years) and, of course, claimed that the Manchurian Tangerine had been against the Iraq war from the outset. Five minutes of…
Just an FYI (well, FEI in this case), here’s a quick C&P from Wiki: