
As a family physician

A guy makes an account called Death clouds specifically for an article about vaping, has 3 posts all in this article, claims to be Medical Dr. Sounds suspect to me.

The most recent study is teen cigarette smoking, drinking, drug and opioid use is down. So teens today prefer to vape.  Ideally they wouldn’t do vape either but in the real world kids always want to do something they’re not supposed to.  So maybe you should reconsider your stance now that you’re better informed.

This. I feel horrible for Ariana, who was blamed for Manchester, blamed for Mac Miller’s suicide, and is now being blamed for Pete Davidson’s fragile state and Kanye feeling attacked.

Wait wait wait.... How in the everloving fuck is Ariana joking about two dudes sucking up all the oxygen with their lame ass beef interpreted as attacking Kanye’s mental health? Is Kanye saying that no one is allowed to take attention away from him because he’s mentally ill? FOH.

‘My parents were on an Antarctic cruise with them’

I know you mentioned Charlie Kirk, but Candace Owens should get her own spot.

He once said that “moderate Muslims” (I absolutely despise this ‘buzz phrase’) should speak up and make it known that they don’t condone the actions of the ones blowing themselves up, or joining ISIS, or whatever (basically, the extremists). Which I believe to be such a bullshit request. “Moderate Muslims” don’t owe

Wow, is that a lot to unpack. There’s shit piles there that are ten to twelve layers deep with different shit variants that are so squished together they could never be properly separated.

No one forced them to choose war instead of peace in 1948

Letting Nazis scream at strangers unimpeded is kind of Twitter's thing.

And as always, White Nationalists are the real victims. Funny how these dipshits always screech about government regulation and how harmful it is, yet the second a business decides not to allow racists a platform for hate speech, there needs to be regulation.

It’s almost like these festering turds have no real ideology

I hope the key thing is true. Also hoping that the police decide it’s too cold to fetch a hacksaw. Let her stay overnight and deal with it in the morning.

THIS is what gets you fired from CNN? But Santorum can just spew his science-denying bullshit all day and night?

Wow. Just wow. Fuuuuuuuuck you CNN. And fuck all the haters giving him any level of shit for what was a pretty reasonable speech.

and the UK

Yes, I’ll take your advice over my own experience with my own pregnancy and my doctors’ (multiple) advice. Sure.

I have Lupus. My last pregnancy very nearly killed me. Any further pregnancies almost certainly will. My own immune system will revolt and literally kill me if I try to carry another child to term.

Go fuck yourself. Lives of women and mothers should be protected, particularly as they are sentient human beings.
