
What is the worst that could happen? Not like detailed information from a census could be used to target individuals or groups for a mass police or state action of some type or anything.

I recently confused a guinea pig with a capybara. Animals are kind of my blind spot.

“Identity politics” is a term invented by oppressors to deny the oppressed the ability to form lasting connections and work together to defeat their oppressors.

Vanity Fair says he didn’t want to go because there was no tent and used the Marine One story as a cover.

It is the longform version of “if you disagree with me, you are a lockstep-thinking sheep, unworthy of recognition as a fellow human being—but if you agree with me, you are obviously of the enlightened few, capable of thinking for yourself.”

The disconnect between “disagree with me, and you’re a sheep, agree with me,

What is this trash.

Ah, I did not know Trump voters read technology blogs. I thought there was an innate aversion to progress inherent in their being. Curiouser, and curiouser.

Former porn stars = evil.

This isn’t a problem for real men because real men shit standing up. Sitting is for girls.

Wait, I thought conservatives were in favor of letting controversial people speak on campuses?

This is an intentional strategy by the filth of the alt-right. They directly try and appeal to stupid teenagers with edgelord tendencies, hoping that some of them will fully enter the ideological cesspit. Even if they only get 10% to stay in their ideology and the rest grow up and look back at this with horror, that

As a veteran, and a disabled one at that, I beg you people: Stop trying to hump us.

Just so we’re clear, this is the same FA that charged Pep Guardiola over wearing a yellow ribbon because he brought politics into the sport?

Many other countries have much more strict libel laws that would likely prevent much of the nonsense that spouts out of Faux News and other entities who have no other purpose than to spread ideology without compunction.

You know the sad/horrifying thing? Somewhere, your post is now being used as PROOF that all of these things are really being done. 

I’ve not gotten in on the lucrative crisis actor gigs, but I do get paid to recruit lots of women to make false rape, abuse, and discrimination claims against Republicans for fun and profit.

Soros has been sending me checks for years for my online commenting and my driving a large bus full of undocumented people all across the state to fraudulently vote dozens of times each election day, and I believe this is the first time I’ve actually seen his face.

“reason to believe”

The thing I don’t understand here is why there isn’t a law on the books to force Kemp to recuse himself from his function relative to electoral process while he’s running for (higher) office; Shaun King’s dead-on about the conflict of interest, and the timing on this “announcement” smells worse than a barrel of

Pre-taped too. She’s such a coward.