
How long has this dude been at it? I remember him from the days of Gawker proper, but I honestly don’t know how far back his career goes.

...I also don’t know whether to admire his tenacity (and commitment to the bit), or to pity him the life he must lead, that this is his primary outlet.

Hey! This is the first time I spotted tomato face!

Christoph Walz is their guy in Zurich! This is too funny for words. But also so strange... yet so soooo funny. Especially the part where the FBI is going to drag Jacob Wohl to prison.

Twitter is a delight right now.

Did you see the Twitter thread where all of the execs of Surefire “Intelligence” is being methodically outed as random profiles and stolen photos? 

What’s happening is that all of Twitter is dunking on the Wohl family, and it’s hilarious.

OMG I just had msnbc on and Mike Pence was speaking - all I heard was “Everyone has a different style, and frankly on both sides of the aisle..” and I had to turn it off before I threw something at the screen and ruined an expensive tv. No, it is not BOTH FUCKING SIDES OF THE AISLE YOU TRUMP ASSHOLE LICKING ASSWIPE.


Steve Scalise, Duke Lacrosse, and Louis Farrakhan, the holy trinity of false equivalence.

There could be 1,000 separate acts of violence committed against Trump’s enemies tomorrow and the shitbag GOP would still say “Oh yeah, what about Scalise getting shot? That totally evens it out and shows how both sides are equally to blame!”

1. Most Islamic terrorism is ultra-orthodox, right wing stuff.

With all due respect, that’s horseshit. I would be the first to say there’s anti-semitism on the Left but it’s “You should agree with me on the Middle East or you’re a monster” not “I’m going to kill all Jews”.

Thanks. I wondered about the group and the circumstances as well but could never express my concerns as well as you. It was disturbing to hear a group of young blacks cheering hysterically for someone from whom they couldn’t have rented an apartment not very long ago. It was as if the Young Jewish Leadership Council

She’s such a disgusting piece of trash. Spent yesterday accusing liberals of sending the pipe bombs, then deleted those tweets as soon as the news on Sayocs was released.

Candace Owens

The Young Black Leader Summit is a sideshow creation of Candace Owens and Turning Point USA. I assume the agenda include Cooning’ for Conservatives and Massa Trump Sho’ is Good to Us and other sell out lectures.

No, what she said was pretty off the wall for a top law enforcement official. Allow me to provide the proper response:

Easy there, dudebra. You’re on a highway to the danger zone with those type of comments.

Maverick wants his glasses back you opportunistic, boot-licking coward.

This is the absolute WORST take on “The Kids are Alright” I have ever seen.

Australia has a lot of problems but they do elections right. Compulsory voting, all paper ballots run by a central electoral commission that isn’t at the whim of party politics. Voting takes place on Saturdays and there are polling places everywhere, plus they do food at these places, a lot of churches and schools will