
Waiter? Waiter! Yes, this word salad kinda stinks, could you take it back please? Thanks.

Not here because it didn’t happen:

It took me a solid 5 minutes of trying to figure out why “Jack Cooke Kent” was a racist slur to realize you meant the actual team name. It’s been a day...

She’s a prominent translator of Aleksandr Dugin, so I’m guessing she’s also a piece-of-shit. That said, she doesn’t deserve to get beaten. No one does. 

JUST IN: The White House releases photographic evidence of “criminals and unknown Middle Easterners” mixed in with migrant caravan.

yup. I am reminded of a tweet I've seen Rooo post here, calling this plea for civility from the right for what it is: they want us to consent to their cruelty without consequences. We're not allowed to walk away or create a space where at least there's an illusion of safety because they clearly have the right to have

I was going to dress up as you but I couldn’t stand the smell and the flies.

The protection against shunning is a particularly weird take. “Not only do I have a first amendment right to express myself, but you had damn well better engage me in a conversation, regardless of what I say. You have no right to opt out of my bullshit. COME BACK HERE.” 

Except Libs are trying to dictate how others should act, and if they don’t comply they get shunned.

Troll game 3/10, you can do better than that. Show some effort.

I don’t want to tell people what to do, but your mother should have aborted you. 

Yes. Libs are the ones determining how other people should act. Conservatives would never tell somebody what is socially acceptable and what should be outlawed.

Wear blackface, there’s likely gonna be a reckoning for that. Up to you to determine whether you can handle it.

It’s still a very cromulent expression.

And no one is going to adhere to your silly made up (ahistorial) defition of racism, so deal with it

Well, go ahead, just know that some people will tell you to get fucked. Nobody is saying you should be thrown in jail. Sorry you don’t get to dictate how other people feel. Ironic, huh?

It’s not that dressing up as a character who is black is racist, it’s that BLACKFACE is racist. How stupid can you be, seriously? No one is throwing you in jail over it, we’re just pointing out that it’s racist and shitty. You do a stupid thing, you get criticized. Deal with that.

Anyone who supports Trump, regardless of reasons, is no better than the “nationalists” who claimed they were just “following orders” or “being patriots” at Nuremberg...and that defense didnt save them from justice and the hangman’s noose.

Everything is a fucking meme with these people. It’s weird because their entire worldview revolves around an adoration of the concept of mindlessly repeated ideas, yet they consider everyone else to be incapable of independent thought.

Are your opinions shit?