
acorn, you should know that you are brave, and you should feel proud. My heart breaks to read about your father’s response to you. I cannot even begin to comprehend that reaction. If my daughter came to me with that, I wouldn’t let go of her for over a day.

The whole letter smacks of a guy who wants to get back at an ex, it’s gross. He makes sure to say he won an emmy in the first sentence, as if that is relevant at all, then says that he thought Swetnick was a “high end call girl”. His whole moral quandary bullshit is just a way for him to pat himself on the back for

“I was Ms. Swetnick’s garbage collector for three days in the summer of 1997 and she never mentioned being raped or Brett Kavanaugh to me!”

The problem is our stories only have merit when corroborated by men. 

For a group of people who want to compare this nomination to a criminal trial, they sure seem to like to use information that would be excluded as evidence.  Rape shield laws prevent evidence relating to prior sexual conduct except in very limited situations.

There may be a good reason that she never told her then-boyfriend about what she witnessed. Maybe she didn’t think he would be particularly sympathetic, and judging by his reaction, she probably was right not to tell him.

Nothing in the letter Ketterer wrote proves her accusations are false. It’s incredibly common for a survivor of sexual assault/abuse not to disclose their history to someone they are dating. Hell, many don’t even disclose it to those who are closest to them. It’s also incredibly common for survivors to go on to have a

Um, I think these old white guys know a little bit more about the emotions that female victims of sexual assault go through than the actual victims, thank you very much.

A couple months ago, after seeing my abusive ex at a show we were at, I told my husband about his raping me almost 20 years ago. It was the first— and only— time I had said the words outloud. I have been with my husband for over 15 years. Hell, it took me over a decade to even admit to myself that what happened with

He fucking perjured himself about watching Dr. Ford’s testimony prior to his testimony later that afternoon, even though there were other witnesses in the room and a Wall Street Journal reporter peeking in.

Again, not to silence these women or prevent them from getting the chance to seek some kind of justice for his attacks, but even if his demeanour wasn’t enough (it should be) the mere fact he perjured himself multiple times should disqualify him.

I’m starting to think this Mitch McConnell guy is a bit of conscience-free, partisan, hate-filled asshole.

This investigation was never anything more than an excuse to give the Collins and Murkowskis of the world cover to vote to confirm. I mean the man blatantly perjured himself on multiple occasions on topics ranging from his time in the Bush White House, to his drinking habits, all the way down to the definition of a

Looks like Rapey McBeerface was trying to get his Yale Bros to lie for him about Deborah Ramirez prior to her name becoming public. So add obstruction of justice to all the perjury and raping.

I see.

There are 0 references online, in any format, to the Devil’s Triangle as a drinking game before Kavanaugh word-barfed it out. Kavanaugh previously gave a speech at Yale admitting to having to piece together the events of a previous night. Beyond that, there is a 0% chance that someone whose friends called him the

Every single one of those 4 lies I pointed out is a lie. None of them can be factual. Why would he lie about something so insignificant? It’s easy - because he’s lying about other things.

People who are afraid of flying fly all of the time. Some of them use Xanax, some of them get half-Kavanaughed at the bar

It never even occurred to me to mention my childhood sexual abuser’s name in therapy sessions. My therapist doesn’t know the people involved so it wouldn't matter. Family friend sufficed. And frankly, I find it difficult to say or even think his name for some reason. It makes the fear more immediate.

Notably, Mitchell devotes no space whatsoever to analyzing her brief questioning of Kavanaugh, which was cut off part way through by Senate Republicans.

Yeah, I read that garbage, and if this is really how she assesses a case, she needs to be fired immediately. That is appalling to put this out trashing a victim and calling, not just her memory into question or the specific veracity of the allegation, but to essentially insinuate she may be motivated by politics. What